- Set frame rate and range.
- Choose an object.
- Copy/save transform info.
- Profit!
Make sure to leave better notes about the coordinate system conversion. 3ds Max coordinate system:
- Center of screen is 0,0,0 (as long as you haven't moved camera)
- X-axis left/right
- Y-axis front/back
- Z-axis up/down AE coordinate system:
- Top left corner is 0,0
- X-axis left/right
- Y-axis up/down
- Z-axis front/back When determining the coordinates for an object, the Y/Z axis will need to be inverted.
Other Todos
- Some sort of README or Design Doc
- Check this into version control
- Coordinate origin coordinates could also be adjusted to hit the center of your AE comp (you will need to be able to input the comp size).
- Perhaps an advanced setting like "adjust origin"?
- NOTE(rex): This wouldn't work with rpf camera import, so camera support is a MUST.
- Any other useful advanced settings?
- Combine the save/copy button into a single button w/ dynamic text. Include a 'Save File' checkbox with a file output path that is disabled if the box isn't checked. Should we still copy output text when saving? Might be a nice convenience.
- 1 and 2 Node Camera support
- Camera FOV support
- Useful logging
- Progress bar/progress text updates
- MacroScript for convenient binding
- Disable Modifier Panel update / switch to the Create Panel
- Further optimizations
- Tests?
- Output Object Data to File
- System Information
- FAQ - Look at the optimization stuff specifically
- Disable Redraw
- Disable System Undo
- Node Properties