This project covers the development of an autonomous electric car at a 1:10 scale. The car will use vision and LiDAR information to follow a track at high-speeds.
- Electric Powered 1/10 RC Car
- Hokuyo UST-10LX
- NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2
- Orbitty Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2/TX2i/TX1 [REDACTED]
- Arduino Nano Every
- Intel® RealSense™ Tracking Camera T265
- Install Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
- Install JetPack 3.3
- Install Orbitty L4T R28.2X BSP
- Install Arduino IDE
Connect your host computer to the Jetson TX2 via Micro-USB
Go through the full initial JetPack 3.3 installation
Copy the CTI-L4T-V121.tgz package into <installed_directory>/64_TX2/Linux_for_Tegra in the host machine
Extract the package
- Open your terminal
- Change to the Linux_for_Tegra directory
- Type
tar -xzf CTI-L4T-V121.tgz
Change into the CTI-L4T directory
- Type
cd CTI-L4T
- Type
Run the install script
- Type
sudo ./
- Type
Put the Jetson TX2 into recovery mode
- Turn off the power
- Turn on the power
- Press the reset button
- Hold the recovery button and press then reset button once
- Keep holding the recovery button for 2 seconds
Change to the Linux_for_Tegra directory
- Type
cd ..
- Type
Flash the Jetson TX2
- Type
./ orbitty mmcblk0p1
- Type
Connect the Jetson TX2 system to the same network as your host machine and determine the local IP address of the Jetson TX2
- Type
on the Jetson TX2
- Type
Re-launch the JetPack installer on the host computer
- Type
cd ../..
- Type
- Type
Select the Jetson TX2
Install the default Jetson TX2 dependencies that have been overwritten by the BSP
- Select "Clear Actions"
- Change the entry under "Install on Target" to "install" by double clicking on "no action"
Enter the IP address of your Jetson TX2 system, as well as the username and password
Install Desktop-Full ROS Kinetic
- Type
to install Desktop-Full ROS Kinetic
- Type
Git clone this repository
- Open your terminal
- Go to the directory you wish to clone the repository in
- Type
git clone
Install the required packages
- Type
- Type
Open the Arduino IDE on the host computer
Configure the correct board and port on the IDE
Flash the scripts/Ardu.ino file into the Arduino Nano Every
Assemble the Arduino Nano Every
Run ROS on the Jetson TX2
- Start your terminal
- Type
Run the rosserial script
- Type
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/<serial_port>
- Type
Test the servo
- Type
rostopic pub car/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: <value>}, angular: {z: <angle>}}'
- Type
Photographer - Elgin Ng