This repository contains community-created extensions for the Inventory Engine, More Mountains' bestselling inventory solution, available on the Unity Asset Store. These extensions can be anything, from an alternate take on existing features, to brand new ones, or new ways to use the engine.
- ActiveItems, _by Himeji : a simple extension to ItemPicker that will replicate the behaviour of active items in games like Binding of Isaac. it will drop the current held item and swap it with the newly picked item. includes a demo Unity scene.
- Craft, by AlexanderGheorghe : crafting system that allows combination of any number of items and quantities. includes a unitypackage for easy installation
- Combine, by AlexanderGheorghe : simple combination crafting system (1A + 1B = 1C, where A, B and C are InventoryItems). includes a modified version of InventoryDragAndDrop and a unitypackage for easy installation
- ComposedItem, by AlexanderGheorghe : extensions that enable composing items (for example, a mixed potion can be composed from a health and a mana potion) and serializing item components and their data (for example, a sword can have an attack component with a randomized damage value that gets set on pickup)
- InventoryDoubleClick, by AlexanderGheorghe : put this component on your InventoryCanvas GameObject and enjoy using double clicks to equip/unequip and use items. compatible with InventoryDragAndDrop
- InventoryDragAndDrop, by AlexanderGheorghe : put this component on your InventoryCanvas GameObject and enjoy using drag and drop to move, swap, drop and equip items. compatible with InventoryDoubleClick
- PersistentDrop, by AlexanderGheorghe : put this component in your scene and it will persist ItemPicker drops for that scene
- PickupDisplayer, by AlexanderGheorghe : displays items you pick up and their quantities, similar to how MMAchievementsDisplayer displays achievements. includes a unitypackage for easy installation
- RemoveItemByIDInventory, by AlexanderGheorghe : An extension of Inventory which adds a public method for removing a quantity of an item by its ID and additional checks for the RemoveItem method. Also includes an extension of InventoryTester so you can play with the new API.
- StorageVendorMultiInventoryDetails, by men8 : these are hosted separately at
Because they weren't created by Renaud, the creator of the Inventory Engine, because I want to keep the Engine simple to use and just pouring features into it (as cool as they may be) wouldn't be such a great idea, and because the Engine is meant to be extended upon, and these extensions are great examples of that.
No you don't, it's all free to use. Feel free to give credit to their creators though (they'll mention that in the class' comments if they want to).
Absolutely, contributions are always welcome. If you want to contribute, drop me a line using the form on this page, or create a pull request on this very repository.
You'd need to contact the creator of the extension if they've put their contact info in the class somewhere. If not, not much I can do, I won't provide support for these.