This repository makes use of most of the basic functions of pandas library. Nothing Fancy.
- Can analyse 1082 indicators for almost all of the countries in existance. For eg
In [21]: temp_df.sample(10)
0 1
964 Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, manufactu... TM_TAX_MANF_WM_AR_ZS
816 Primary education, duration (years) SE_PRM_DURS
68 Average precipitation in depth (mm per year) AG_LND_PRCP_MM
634 Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male ad... SP_DYN_AMRT_MA
584 Manufacturing, value added (constant 2000 US$) NV_IND_MANF_KD
840 Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) EP_PMP_SGAS_CD
254 Employees, services, male (% of male employment) SL_SRV_EMPL_MA_ZS
920 Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female) SE_SEC_ENRL_VO_FE_ZS
733 Nitrous oxide emissions in industrial and ener... EN_ATM_NOXE_EI_ZS
100 Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing) NV_MNF_CHEM_ZS_UN
In [22]: len(indicators)
Out[22]: 1082
- To narrow down the datatset and the declutter the graph, only asian countries have been analysed for the parameter(indicators).
In [23]: df_temp = pd.read_html('Country_Codes2.html')
...: df = df_temp[0]
...: a_c_codes = [df['alpha-3'][i] for i in range(len(df['country-code'])) if df['region'][i] == 'Asia' ]
...: print(len(a_c_codes))
Out[23] : 51
- Built the DataFrame from the paramters for various countries and Pickle it for further use to save time
- Calculate Percentage Change in the data from the previous value.
- Calculate Percentage Change in the data from the starting (initial) value.
- Plot both of the above DataFrames.
- Pickle both the DataFrames for quick access.
- Plot the correlations between different countries
In [24]: growth_correlations.describe()['IND']
count 48.000000
mean 0.900618
std 0.079899
min 0.710692
25% 0.868522
50% 0.928836
75% 0.957534
max 1.000000
Name: IND, dtype: float64
In [25]: growth_correlations['IND'].head()
AFG 0.726658
ARM 0.953290
AZE 0.932335
BHR 0.956719
BGD 0.767517
Name: IND, dtype: float64
- Resample the data for every 2 years.
- Observe the Standard Deviation between rolling values of every 2 years wrt to the original data.
- Compared Correlation of India-Japan and India-China for the selected Parameter
- [Pandas] - Bummer !
- [Numpy] - For using arrays in Python
- [Quandl] - For building Data-Sets
- [Pickle] - For quick reuse of the DataFrame later
- [Matplotlib] - For plotting the graphs
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