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Revar Desmera edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Library File convex_hull.scad

Functions to create 2D and 3D convex hulls. To use, add the following line to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL/convex_hull.scad>

Derived from Linde's Hull:

Table of Contents

  1. Generalized Hull

  2. 2D Hull

  3. 3D Hull

1. Generalized Hull



  • convex_hull(points)

Description: When given a list of 3D points, returns a list of faces for the minimal convex hull polyhedron of those points. Each face is a list of indexes into points. When given a list of 2D points, or 3D points that are all coplanar, returns a list of indices into points for the path that forms the minimal convex hull polygon of those points.

Argument What it does
points The list of points to find the minimal convex hull of.

2. 2D Hull



  • convex_hull2d(points)

Description: Takes a list of arbitrary 2D points, and finds the minimal convex hull polygon to enclose them. Returns a path as a list of indices into points.

3. 3D Hull



  • convex_hull3d(points)

Description: Takes a list of arbitrary 3D points, and finds the minimal convex hull polyhedron to enclose them. Returns a list of faces, where each face is a list of indexes into the given points list. If all points passed to it are coplanar, then the return is the list of indices of points forming the minimal convex hull polygon.