Catt & Catt Ltd
- Shrewsbury
- revdancatt.com
This project is designed to take any pdf and convert it into a printable pamphlet/signature setup with the intention to create books from them. I have included example documents to show proper form…
A p5.js library for controlling the AxiDraw pen plotter.
Spectral.js is a paint like color mixing library utilizing the Kubelka-Munk theory.
The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.
Implements Netrunner in Javascript against an AI opponent
A curated list of code and resources for computer-controlled drawing machines and other visual art robots.
Documentation on how to access and use the Quick, Draw! Dataset.
2d JavaScript Particle System with gravity field simulation
Lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout, nutrition and weight tracker
Nodejs bindings to OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 4
Just my fun home project (another Random Dungeon Map Generator)
Multi-platform command-line tool to send out MIDI messages
🌏 Live visualization of all the pokemon in your area... and more! (shutdown)
A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on macOS
JavaScript Regular expressions made easy
A Node.js application built to read JSON and translate it into HTML
[POEM] Interactive visualization and code poetry. (probably) first poem in git commits
A collection of small corpuses of interesting data for the creation of bots and similar stuff.