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Deploy OpenLDAP as container with multi-master replication


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Ansible playbook to automate OpenLDAP deployment

  • Developed and used with Ansible 2.8 on Ubuntu 18.04


  • Deploy N-Way multi master replication
  • In containers, using Docker Compose
  • Generates a custom CA and server certificates for each nodes, signed by this CA.

OpenLDAP variants

  • Default: tiredofit/openldap image.
  • Can use osixia/openldap as well, but did not appear to work properly with self generated certificates.
    • set: openldap_image: osixia/openldap
    • set: openldap_version to desired version


  • Copy directory samples/ansible-inventory to the project root
  • Edit hosts and host_vars to your needs
    • ip is needed in host_vars to force /etc/hosts in container, avoiding name resolve issues
  • Create a playbook-vars.yml file, using the sample as inspiration
  • Deploy: ./
  • Remove: ./ -e docker_compose_command=down


  • Create molecule tests
  • Better implementation of seed config (e.g. check before attempting to create base dn in ldap)
  • Automatically load ldif files (with whatever data) in LDAP after deployment

Current issues

  • Password policy (using does not seem to work at the moment, it is simply ignored?!



Playbook specific

Variable Default Description
docker_compose_project openldap Docker compose project name (docker-compose -p)
docker_compose_command up -d Default docker-compose command. Use -e docker_compose_command=down for example to remove deployment
docker_logging_max_size 50m Maximum docker log file size
docker_logging_max_file 5 Maximum docker log files before recycling
openldap_image tiredofit/openldap Base docker image. At the moment, tiredofit release seems to be working better than oxisia one
openldap_version 7.1.5 Docker image tag
ldap_port_plain 389 Plain ldap port
ldap_port_ssl 636 TLS ldap port
ldap_log_level 256 See loglevel in
ldap_dir_certs /etc/ssl/ldap Host directory to persist TLS certificates
ldap_dir_data /var/lib/ldap Host directory to persist ldap data
ldap_dir_config /etc/ldap/slapd.d Host directory to persist ldap configuration
ldap_dir_backup /var/lib/ldap-backup Host directory to persist scheduled dumps
ldap_organisation myorg Global name of the organization
ldap_domain LDAP domain (base_dn will be deducted from this)
ldap_pass_admin changeit admin super user password
ldap_pass_config changeit config super user password
ldap_wait_retries 20 How many retries before ansible gives up
ldap_wait_delay 10 How many seconds does ansible wait before retrying

tiredofit/openldap specific


Variable Default Description
ldap_ulimit_n 2048 Set Open File Descriptor Limit
ldap_backup_config_cron_period 0 4 * * * Cron expression to schedule OpenLDAP config backup
ldap_backup_data_cron_period 0 4 * * * Cron expression to schedule OpenLDAP data backup
ldap_backup_ttl 15 Automatically cleanup backup after how many days
ldap_ppolicy_check_rdn 0 Check RDN Parameter ( - see
ldap_ppolicy_forbidden_characters '' Forbidden Characters (
ldap_ppolicy_max_consec 2 Maximum Consective Character Pattern
ldap_ppolicy_min_digit 1 Minimum Digit Characters
ldap_ppolicy_min_lower 4 Minimum Lowercase Characters
ldap_ppolicy_min_points 3 Minimum Points required to pass checker
ldap_ppolicy_min_punct 1 Minimum Punctuation Characters
ldap_ppolicy_min_upper 1 Minimum Uppercase Characters
ldap_ppolicy_use_cracklib 1 Use Cracklib for verifying words (
ldap_tls_cipher_suite TLS cipher suite. Default: ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:-DHE-DSS:-RSA:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS:!SHA
ldap_tls_dh_param_keysize 2048 TLS DHParam Keysize
ldap_debug_mode 'false' Enable debug (dumps to ouput script output, etc)
ldap_enable_zabbix 'false' Enable zabbix monitoring agent


  • [2020-11-06] v0.0.5
    • Bump tiredofit/openldap version to 7.1.5
    • add missing pip dependency: docker-compose
  • [2020-06-19] v0.0.4
    • Bump tiredofit/openldap version to 6.9.2
    • Update README
  • [2020-06-12] v0.0.2
    • Replaced oxisia release with tiredofit release of OpenLDAP
  • [2020-02-11] v0.0.1
    • Initial release


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