This is a helper package for testing Pulumi programs.
The goal of this package is to make testing feel like first-class citizen in Pulumi.
The build-in testing support in Pulumi has the following pain points:
- to add a mock, we have to figure out the string representations of the resource identifiers
- the mock replaces the property as a whole, potentially removing child properties that are needed for the test
- mocking stack reference is not straightforward
- a lot of setup code is needed to create a mock
- only outputs of resources can be tested
This package aims to solve these problems by providing a simple and easy to use API for mocking resources, calls and stack references.
It also provide a way to test the raw inputs of resources.
Two build methods are provided:
public async Task<StackResult> BuildStackAsync<T>(TestOptions? testOptions = null) where T : Stack, new()
public async Task<StackResult> BuildStackAsync<T>(IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
TestOptions? testOptions = null) where T : Stack, new()
var (resources, resourceInputs) = await new StackBuilder().BuildStackAsync<MyStack>();
var (resources, resourceInputs) = await new StackBuilder().BuildStackAsync<MyStack>(serviceProvider);
is provided to add mocks for all resources in the stack.
It takes MockResourceArgs
as input and returns a dictionary of the resource properties, so that you can provide mocks based on existing resource inputs.
public StackBuilder AddMocksForAllResources(Func<MockResourceArgs, Dictionary<string, object>> mocks)
Below tests shows that arn
property of all resources is mocked with the resource name appended with _arn
public async Task Should_Mock_All_Resource_Properties_With_Given_Rule()
var result = await new StackBuilder().BuildStackAsync<AwsStack>();
var repository = result.Resources.OfType<Repository>().Single();
result = await new StackBuilder().AddMocksForAllResources(args => new Dictionary<string, object>
{"arn", $"{args.Name}_arn"}
var resources = result.Resources;
repository = resources.OfType<Repository>().Single();
var bucket = resources.OfType<Bucket>().Single();
Four methods are provided to add mocks for resources:
AddResourceMock(ResourceMock resourceMock)
AddResourceMocks(List<ResourceMock> resourceMocks)
AddResourceMockFunc(ResourceMockFunc resourceMockFunc)
AddResourceMockFuncs(List<ResourceMockFunc> resourceMockFuncs)
var result = await new StackBuilder()
.AddResourceMock(new ResourceMock(typeof(Image),
new Dictionary<string, object>
{"imageUri", imageUri}
image = result.Resources.OfType<Image>().Single(x => x.HasName("my-image"));
takes the pulumi MockResourceArgs
as input and returns a dictionary of the resource properties, so that you can provide mocks based on existing resource inputs.
var result = await new StackBuilder()
new ResourceMockFunc(typeof(Image),
args => new Dictionary<string, object>
{"imageUri", $"{args.Name}-{imageUri}"}
Three methods are provided to add mocks for calls:
AddCallMock(CallMock callMock)
AddCallMocks(List<CallMock> callMocks)
AddCallMockFunc(CallMockFunc callMockFunc)
Below code makes a call to GetRepository
and assigns the RepositoryUrl
value to the RepositoryUrl
property of the stack as stack output.
[Output] public Output<string> RepositoryUrl { get; set; }
public MyStack()
var invoke = GetRepository.Invoke(new GetRepositoryInvokeArgs
Name = "my-remote-repository"
RepositoryUrl = invoke.Apply(x => x.RepositoryUrl);
To test the above:
var result = await new StackBuilder()
.AddCallMock(new CallMock(typeof(GetRepository),
new Dictionary<string, object>
{"repositoryUrl", mock}
var stack = result.Resources.OfType<MyStack>().Single();
To mock stack references, use AddStackReferenceMock
Below code uses a stack reference to get the hosted-zone-id
output from another stack.
public class CoreStackReference
public readonly Output<string> HostedZoneId;
public CoreStackReference()
var coreStackReference = new StackReference("core");
HostedZoneId = coreStackReference.RequireOutput("hosted-zone-id").Apply(x => x.ToString())!;
var coreStackReference = new CoreStackReference();
_ = new Bucket("my-bucket", new BucketArgs
BucketName = "my-bucket",
HostedZoneId = coreStackReference.HostedZoneId
To test the above:
public async Task Should_Add_StackReference_Mock()
var noStackReferenceMock = () => new StackBuilder().BuildStackAsync<AwsStack>();
await noStackReferenceMock.Should().ThrowAsync<Exception>()
.WithMessage("*Required output 'hosted-zone-id' does not exist on stack 'core'*");
var result = await new StackBuilder()
.AddStackReferenceMock(new StackReferenceMock("core", new Dictionary<string, object>
{"hosted-zone-id", "hosted-zone-id-mock"}
var bucket = result.Resources.OfType<Bucket>().Single();
The resource list from Pulumi Deployment.TestAsync
(which is used by BuildStackAsync
) containers list of resources specified in the stack.
However, the properties of the resources only includes the Pulumi outputs of the resources, many of the raw properties are absent.
In case you want to protect against changes in the inputs of the resources, you can use ResourceInputs
property of the StackResult
to test the inputs of the resources.
For example, Awsx.Erc.Image
resource only have imageUri
output, it does not output other properties like Platform
, Context
var repository = new Repository("my-repository", new RepositoryArgs
ImageScanningConfiguration = new RepositoryImageScanningConfigurationArgs
ScanOnPush = false
ForceDelete = false,
ImageTagMutability = "MUTABLE"
new Image("my-image", new ImageArgs
Platform = "linux/amd64",
Context = "./",
RepositoryUrl = repository.RepositoryUrl
To test the inputs of the resource Image
var result = await _baseStackBuilder.AddResourceMock(new ResourceMock(typeof(Repository),
new Dictionary<string, object>
{"repositoryUrl", "my-repository_name"}
var inputs = result.ResourceInputs.GetInputs("my-image");
var platform = inputs.GetValueOrDefault("platform");
var context = inputs.GetValueOrDefault("context");
var repositoryUrl = inputs.GetValueOrDefault("repositoryUrl");
Please feel free to contribute to this project. PRs are welcome.