This is a pet project for a 3D reconstruction pipeline using ODM (OpenDroneMap) as the core process.
Input: video of an object
(this is one of many angles of the rabbit)
Output: .glb/.obj
To get started with the project, follow the steps below:
Install Anaconda or Miniconda, if not already installed.
Create a suitable Conda environment using the provided environment file:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Follow the directory hierarchy below for organizing your project files:
- scripts_odm
- projects
- [project_name]
- datasets
- 0001.mp4
- 0002.jpg
- ...
Navigate to the scripts_odm folder in your terminal.
Run the following command to execute the project:
python project_name
A series of customizable options is available with python -h
usage: [-h] [-m] [-m2] [-s SERVER] [-t] [-f FRAMES] [-r RESOLUTION] [-o OUTPUTMESH] [-pq PC_QUALITY]
[-fq FEATURE_QUALITY] [--norerun] [-sr] [-ot OCTREE] [-kf] [-ap ADDITIONAL] [--override OVERRIDE]
[--aws] [-pp] [--start START]
Run ODM with python scripts
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --mask use mask [True, False*]
-m2, --mask2 use Mask2Former (experimental) [True, False*]
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
timestamp from server. Toggle server mode. Default None
-t, --test toggle test, override other settings [True, False*]
-f FRAMES, --frames FRAMES
no. of frames from video. Default 70
target resolution of frames in MP, use 0 as original. Default 2
output mesh no. of face. Default 15000
-pq PC_QUALITY, --pc-quality PC_QUALITY
pc-quality [ultra, high, medium*, low, lowest].
feature-quality [ultra*, high, medium, low, lowest]
--norerun do not rerun pipeline. Default False (rerun)
-sr run super-resolution to x4
-ot OCTREE octree_depth default 7
-kf keep-unseen-face detault false
-ap ADDITIONAL, --additional-parameters ADDITIONAL
additional parameters as string
--override OVERRIDE custom parameters, override all
--aws use aws fargate to do processing
-pp Preprocess only. Do not run ODM
--start START starting phase.
(dataset|opensfm|openmvs|odm_filterpoints|odm_meshing|mvs_texturing|odm_report). Default ""
Happy coding!