By Reyesoft
This library helps you generate QR codes for Crypto Address. Makes use of endroid/qr-code. Further extended with Twig extensions, generation routes, a factory and a
Use Composer to install the library.
$ composer require reyesoft/crypto-qr
use Reyesoft\CryptoQr\BitcoinQr;
$qr = new BitcoinQr('3PrCdjyjcDHDSC8tvVgx1u96tMK9juncHs');
header('Content-Type: '.$qr->getQrCode()->getContentType());
echo $qr->getQrCode()->writeString();
use Reyesoft\CryptoQr\BitcoinQr;
// Create a basic QR code
$qr = new BitcoinQr('3PrCdjyjcDHDSC8tvVgx1u96tMK9juncHs');
$qr->setMessage('Donation for project Maria');
// Directly output the QR code
header('Content-Type: '.$qr->getQrCode()->getContentType());
echo $qr->getQrCode()->writeString();
// Save it to a file
return a instance of Endroid\QrCode\QrCode
, then you have more options for your QR on
composer test
docker run -it --rm --name php73 -e PHP_EXTENSIONS="gd" -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app thecodingmachine/php:7.3-v4-cli bash