rplot.py is a stand-alone Python program which makes two-dimensional plots easier. It allows the user to create a map with colorbar and a contour within one line of program.
You have to load mymap module from this file into your python program and use it as shown in the following examples.
A short description of variables:
maps : the main 2D object to be displayed
lo,lu: lower and upper limits to clip the map. if zero, full range will be used.
extent: size of the map (two numbers for min/max in each axis), e.g. (0, 1., 0, 2.)
xt, yt, tit : position (in plot coordinate) and text of the title
xtt, ytt, mtn: a second annotation text
col: any python color table (gray, jet, ...)
fname: filename with extension, e.g. map.eps, file.jpg, ...
psave: path to save the figure
lev : level for masks
mask : mask (a 2D map with the same size)
import matplotlib, numpy, rplot
from rplot import mymap
from pylab import cm
mu = 0.
std = 1.
n = 500
m = 2*n + 1
noise = numpy.random.normal(mu, std, (m,m)) * 0.2
#construct a 2D Gaussian
x, y = numpy.mgrid[-n:n+1, -n:n+1]
g = numpy.exp(-(x2/float(n)+y2/float(n))/100.) * 2.
gn = g + noise
extent=(0, g.shape[1], 0, g.shape[0])
example #1, simple 2D map with colorbar
mymap(g, 0.0, 0.0, extent, extent[1]*0.25, extent[3]*1.05,'noise', ' ',0., 0., 'gray', 100, './', 'test.jpg', 0, [1,2], g)
example #2, add title and annotation
mymap(g, 0.0, 0.0, extent, extent[1]*0.25, extent[3]*1.05,'title ','annotation', 200,400, 'gray', 100, './', 'test.jpg', 0, [1,2], g)
example #3, use color
mymap(g, 0.0, 0.0, extent, extent[1]*0.25, extent[3]*1.05,'title ','annotation', 200,400, 'jet', 100, './', 'test.jpg', 0, [1,2], g)
example #4, map with contour
mymap(gn, 0.0, 0.0, extent, extent[1]*0., extent[3]*1.05,'contour from original data','', 0,0, 'gray', 300,'./', 'test.jpg', 1, [0.5, 1.7], g)
example #5, map in a certain range of values + contour
mymap(gn, 0.0, 0.8, extent, extent[1]*0.15, extent[3]*1.05,'limited range','', 0,0, 'gray', 300,'./', 'test.jpg', 1, [0.1, 0.6], g)
example #6, map in color and contour gray
mymap(g, 0.0, 0.0, extent, extent[1]*(-0.05), extent[3]*1.05,'map in color and contour gray','',0.,0.,'jet', 300, './', 'test.jpg', 1, [.1, .3, .8], g)
example #7, map in gray and contour in color
mymap(g, 0.0, 0.0, extent, extent[1]*(-0.05), extent[3]*1.05,'map in gray and contour in color','',0.,0.,'gray', 300, './', 'test.jpg', 1, [.1, .3, .8], g)
This program is presented under MIT License.
Copyright (c) Reza Rezaei
e-mail: reza5pm@gmail.com