Movies and YRBBookstore data base
Both applications are made with SQL and work through DBMS.
Note that each program has a "yrb-create.sql" creating the tables needed.
This application is a made from tables of movies and their categories, names of studios, names of actors and so on, which can be seen in the "yrb-create.sql" and the architecture of how the keys and other attributes can be seen from the "", which also can insert new movie data through both "insert_movie.sql", hence the product currently is from both of "yrb-create.sql" and "insert_movie.sql" values.
The application also does the "triggered.sql" mechanism as well as having an already made "tabletesting.sql" for further checking the table for the user and queries.
The assignment involving an already available table with many information regarding many information book names, book stores, book prices, name of writers, and most importantly the shipping cost.
The queries needed can be found here.