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Improve the Pp API (ocaml#2202)
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- reduce the number of combinators to learn
- replace functions named after type names by more ppish functions

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
  • Loading branch information
jeremiedimino authored May 29, 2019
1 parent c48e38d commit ea84499
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Showing 6 changed files with 169 additions and 113 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let simplify act =
block act

let quote s = Pp.string (quote_for_shell s)
let quote s = Pp.verbatim (quote_for_shell s)

let rec pp = function
| Run (prog, args) ->
Expand All @@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ let rec pp = function
[; quote arg]))
| Chdir dir ->
Pp.hovbox ~indent:2
[ Pp.string "cd"
[ Pp.verbatim "cd"
; quote dir
| Setenv (k, v) ->
Pp.concat [Pp.string k; Pp.string "="; quote v]
Pp.concat [Pp.verbatim k; Pp.verbatim "="; quote v]
| Sh s ->
Pp.string s
Pp.verbatim s
| Redirect (l, outputs, dest) ->
let body =
match l with
Expand All @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ let rec pp = function
[ Pp.hvbox ~indent:2
[ Pp.char '{'
; Pp.hvbox [Pp.list l ~f:(fun x -> Pp.seq (pp x) (Pp.char ';'))]
; Pp.hvbox [Pp.concat_map l
~f:(fun x -> Pp.seq (pp x) (Pp.char ';'))]
; Pp.char '}'
Expand All @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let rec pp = function
Pp.hovbox ~indent:2
[ body
; Pp.string (match outputs with
; Pp.verbatim (match outputs with
| Stdout -> ">"
| Stderr -> "2>"
| Outputs -> "&>")
Expand All @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ let rec pp = function

let rec pp_seq = function
| [] -> Pp.string "true"
| [] -> Pp.verbatim "true"
| [x] -> pp x
| x :: l ->
Expand Down
58 changes: 34 additions & 24 deletions src/stdune/
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@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
include Dyn0

let rec pp = function
| Unit -> Pp.string "()"
| Int i -> i
| Bool b -> Pp.bool b
| String s -> Pp.string s
| Bytes b -> Pp.string (Bytes.to_string b)
| Unit -> Pp.verbatim "()"
| Int i -> Pp.verbatim (string_of_int i)
| Bool b -> Pp.verbatim (string_of_bool b)
| String s -> Pp.verbatim s
| Bytes b -> Pp.verbatim (Bytes.to_string b)
| Char c -> Pp.char c
| Float f -> Pp.float f
| Sexp s -> Pp.sexp s
| Float f -> Pp.verbatim (string_of_float f)
| Sexp s -> pp_sexp s
| Option None -> pp (Variant ("None", []))
| Option (Some x) -> pp (Variant ("Some", [x]))
| List x ->
[ Pp.char '['
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') x ~f:pp
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') x ~f:pp
; Pp.char ']'
| Array a ->
[ Pp.string "[|"
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') (Array.to_list a) ~f:pp
; Pp.string "|]"
[ Pp.verbatim "[|"
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') (Array.to_list a) ~f:pp
; Pp.verbatim "|]"
| Set xs ->
[ Pp.string "set {"
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') xs ~f:pp
; Pp.string "}"
[ Pp.verbatim "set {"
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') xs ~f:pp
; Pp.verbatim "}"
| Map xs ->
[ Pp.string "map {"
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') xs ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
[ Pp.verbatim "map {"
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ';') xs ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
[ pp k
; Pp.string ":"
; Pp.verbatim ":"
; pp v
; Pp.string "}"
; Pp.verbatim "}"
| Tuple x ->
[ Pp.char '('
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ',') x ~f:pp
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.seq (Pp.char ',') x ~f:pp
; Pp.char ')'
| Record fields ->
Pp.vbox ~indent:2
[ Pp.char '{'
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.char ';') fields ~f:(fun (f, v) ->
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.char ';') fields ~f:(fun (f, v) ->
[ Pp.string f
[ Pp.verbatim f
; Pp.char '='
Expand All @@ -63,12 +63,22 @@ let rec pp = function
; Pp.char '}'
| Variant (v, []) -> Pp.string v
| Variant (v, []) -> Pp.verbatim v
| Variant (v, xs) ->
Pp.hvbox ~indent:2
[ Pp.string v
[ Pp.verbatim v
; Pp.list ~sep:(Pp.char ',') xs ~f:pp
; Pp.concat_map ~sep:(Pp.char ',') xs ~f:pp

and pp_sexp = function
| Sexp.Atom s -> Pp.verbatim (Escape.quote_if_needed s)
| List [] -> Pp.verbatim "()"
| List l -> ~indent:1
[ Pp.char '('
; Pp.hvbox [ Pp.concat_map l ~f:pp_sexp ]
; Pp.char ')'

let pp fmt t = Pp.pp fmt (pp t)
Expand Down
66 changes: 31 additions & 35 deletions src/stdune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,21 +3,15 @@ module String = Dune_caml.StringLabels
type +'a t =
| Nop
| Seq of 'a t * 'a t
| Concat of 'a t list
| Concat of 'a t * 'a t list
| Box of int * 'a t
| Vbox of int * 'a t
| Hbox of 'a t
| Hvbox of int * 'a t
| Hovbox of int * 'a t
| Bool of bool
| Int of int
| String of string
| Verbatim of string
| Char of char
| Float of float
| Sexp of Sexp0.t
| List : 'b t * ('a -> 'b t) * 'a list -> 'b t
| Space
| Cut
| Break of int * int
| Newline
| Text of string
| Tag of 'a * 'a t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +77,12 @@ module Renderer = struct
match t with
| Nop -> ()
| Seq (a, b) -> pp th ppf a; pp th ppf b
| Concat l -> List.iter l ~f:(pp th ppf)
| Concat (_, []) -> ()
| Concat (sep, x :: l) ->
pp th ppf x;
List.iter l ~f:(fun x ->
pp th ppf sep;
pp th ppf x)
| Box (indent, t) ->
pp_open_box ppf indent;
pp th ppf t;
Expand All @@ -104,17 +103,9 @@ module Renderer = struct
pp_open_hovbox ppf indent;
pp th ppf t;
pp_close_box ppf ()
| Bool x -> pp_print_bool ppf x
| Int x -> pp_print_int ppf x
| String x -> pp_print_string ppf x
| Verbatim x -> pp_print_string ppf x
| Char x -> pp_print_char ppf x
| Float x -> pp_print_float ppf x
| Sexp x -> Sexp1.pp ppf x
| List (sep, f, l) ->
pp_print_list (fun ppf x -> pp th ppf (f x)) ppf l
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> pp th ppf sep)
| Space -> pp_print_space ppf ()
| Cut -> pp_print_cut ppf ()
| Break (nspaces, shift) -> pp_print_break ppf nspaces shift
| Newline -> pp_force_newline ppf ()
| Text s -> pp_print_text ppf s
| Tag (tag, t) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,25 +158,30 @@ let pp ppf t = Render.pp () ppf t

let nop = Nop
let seq a b = Seq (a, b)
let concat l = Concat l
let box ?(indent=0) l = Box (indent, Concat l)
let vbox ?(indent=0) l = Vbox (indent, Concat l)
let hbox l = Hbox (Concat l)
let hvbox ?(indent=0) l = Hvbox (indent, Concat l)
let hovbox ?(indent=0) l = Hovbox (indent, Concat l)

let bool b = Bool b
let int x = Int x
let string x = String x
let concat ?(sep=Nop) = function
| [] -> Nop
| [x] -> x
| l -> Concat (sep, l)
let concat_map ?(sep=Nop) l ~f =
match l with
| [] -> Nop
| [x] -> f x
| l -> Concat (sep, l ~f)
let box ?(indent=0) l = Box (indent, concat l)
let vbox ?(indent=0) l = Vbox (indent, concat l)
let hbox l = Hbox (concat l)
let hvbox ?(indent=0) l = Hvbox (indent, concat l)
let hovbox ?(indent=0) l = Hovbox (indent, concat l)

let verbatim x = Verbatim x
let char x = Char x
let float x = Float x
let sexp s = Sexp s
let list ?(sep=Cut) l ~f = List (sep, f, l)

let space = Space
let cut = Cut
let break ~nspaces ~shift = Break (nspaces, shift)
let space = Break (1, 0)
let cut = Break (0, 0)
let newline = Newline

let text s = Text s
let textf fmt = Printf.ksprintf text fmt

let tag t ~tag = Tag (tag, t)
105 changes: 80 additions & 25 deletions src/stdune/pp.mli
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,85 @@
styles. *)
type +'tag t

(** {1 Basic combinators} *)

(** A pretty printer that prints nothing *)
val nop : _ t

(** [seq x y] prints [x] and then [y] *)
val seq : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

(** [concat ?sep l] prints elements in [l] separated by [sep]. [sep]
defaults to [nop]. *)
val concat : ?sep:'a t -> 'a t list -> 'a t

(** Convenience function for [] followed by [concat] *)
val concat_map : ?sep:'a t -> 'b list -> f:('b -> 'a t) -> 'a t

(** An indivisible block of text *)
val verbatim : string -> _ t

(** A single character *)
val char : char -> _ t

(** Print a bunch of text. The line may be broken at any spaces in the
text. *)
val text : string -> _ t

(** Same as [text] but take a format string as argument. *)
val textf : ('a, unit, string, _ t) format4 -> 'a

(** [tag t ~tag] Tag the material printed by [t] with [tag] *)
val tag : 'a t -> tag:'a -> 'a t

(** {1 Break hints} *)

(** Either a newline or a space, depending on whether the line is
broken at this point. *)
val space : _ t

(** Either a newline or nothing, depending on whether the line is
broken at this point. *)
val cut : _ t

(** Either a newline or [nspaces] spaces. If it is a newline, [shift]
is added to the indentation level. *)
val break : nspaces:int -> shift:int -> _ t

(** Force a newline to be printed *)
val newline : _ t

(** {1 Boxes} *)

(** Boxes are the basic components to control the layout of the text.
Break hints such as [space] and [cut] may cause the line to be
broken, depending on the splitting rules. Whenever a line is
split, the rest of the material printed in the box is indented with
All functions take a list as argument for convenience. Elements
are printed one by one. *)

(** Try to put as much as possible on each line. Additionally, a
break hint always break the line if the breaking would reduce the
indentation level ([break] with negative [shift] value). *)
val box : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t

(** Always break the line when encountering a break hint. *)
val vbox : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t

(** Print everything on one line, no matter what *)
val hbox : 'a t list -> 'a t

(** If possible, print everything on one line. Otherwise, behave as a
[vbox] *)
val hvbox : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t

(** Try to put as much as possible on each line. *)
val hovbox : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t

(** {1 Rendering} *)

module type Tag = sig
type t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,29 +123,5 @@ module Render : Renderer.S
with type Tag.t = unit
with type Tag.Handler.t = unit

(** Render to a formatter *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> unit t -> unit

val nop : 'a t
val seq : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val concat : 'a t list -> 'a t
val box : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t
val vbox : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t
val hbox : 'a t list -> 'a t
val hvbox : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t
val hovbox : ?indent:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t

val bool : bool -> _ t
val int : int -> _ t
val string : string -> _ t
val char : char -> _ t
val float : float -> _ t
val sexp : Sexp0.t -> _ t
val list : ?sep:'b t -> 'a list -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

val space : _ t
val cut : _ t
val newline : _ t

val text : string -> _ t

val tag : 'a t -> tag:'a -> 'a t

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