This app displays the beacons received by an android device that match the one sent by the Stop Covid app, an app of contact tracing made by the french government.
It uses the same kind of code as the one in use in the official app.
The UUID currently matched are:
- 0000fd64-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (i.e. the 16 bit UUID 0xFD64, not yet listed on the Bluetooth Consortium Website but available in the Stop Covid Endpoint
The previous version of the app was matching the following UUIDs:
- 910c7798-9f3a-11ea-bb37-0242ac130002, extracted from
- 0000b81d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, extracted from (used in screenshots from )
- d61f4f27-3d6b-4b04-9e46-c9d2ea617f62, extracted from
This app can be used to check whether the Stop Covid app is really working as intended (sending beacons), for example when your phone is in sleeping mode or in standby. Of course, you'd need another phone to check, as your phone cannot detect the beacons it sends.
You can also use this app to illustrate the inner working of the application, as it underlines it's possible to check (without any contact) if someone is using the Stop Covid application or not.
It can also be used to check if your phone changes of MAC address regularly to avoid tracking.