Specify schema transformations with JSON. Transform in both directions. Transform and check for updates then patch locally.
var transformations = {
remote: 'Persons',
fields: [
{local: 'pipedrive.person_id', remote:'id', policy: 'remote', isId:true},
//to pipedrive
{local: 'name', remote:'name', policy: 'local'},
{local: 'phone', remote:'phone', policy: 'local', createOnly:true},
{local: 'email', remote:'email', policy: 'local', createOnly:true},
{local: 'pipedrive.deal_owner_id', remote:'owner_id', policy: 'local', createOnly:true},
{local: 'pipedrive.followers', remote: 'followers', policy: 'local', createOnly:true }
var transport = transportOut(transformations.Persons.fields, localDeal, {});
var transport = transportIn(model.Persons.fields, pdDeal, {});
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