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JAX-RS & SpringMVC supported maven build plugin, helps you generate Swagger JSON and API document in build phase.


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Swagger Maven Plugin Build Status

This plugin can let your Swagger annotated project generate Swagger JSON and your Customized Static Documents in maven build phase.



  • 3.1.0 supports Swagger Spec [2.0](https://github .com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/, support JAX-RS & SpingMVC. (ACTIVE!) with new namespace jars depedency
  • 3.0.1 supports Swagger Spec [2.0](https://github .com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/, support JAX-RS & SpingMVC. (ACTIVE!) with old com.wordnik namespace jars depedency
  • 2.3.4 supports Swagger Spec 1.2, support JAX-RS & SpringMVC. (Lazy maintained)
  • 1.1.1 supports Swagger Spec 1.1. (No longer maintained)


Import the plugin in your project by adding following configuration in your plugins block:


One apiSource can be considered as a version of APIs of your service.

You can specify several apiSources. Generally, one is enough.

Configuration for apiSource

name description
springmvc Tell the plugin your project is a JAX-RS(false) or a SpringMvc(true) project
locations required Classes containing Swagger's annotation @Api, or packages containing those classes can be configured here, using ; as the delimiter.
schemes The transfer protocol of the API. Values MUST be from the list: "http", "https", "ws", "wss", using , as the delimiter.
host The host (name or ip) serving the API. This MUST be the host only and does not include the scheme nor sub-paths. It MAY include a port. The host does not support path templating.
basePath The base path on which the API is served, which is relative to the host. The value MUST start with a leading slash (/). The basePath does not support path templating.
info required The basic information of the api, using same definition as Swagger Spec 2.0's info Object
securityDefinitions You can put your security definitions here, see more details below
templatePath The path of a handlebars template file, see more details below.
outputPath The path of the generated static document, not existed parent directories will be created. If you don't want to generate a static document, just don't set it.
swaggerDirectory The directory of generated swagger.json file. If null, no swagger.json will be generated.
modelSubstitute The model substitute file's path, see more details below
typesToSkip Nodes of class names to explicitly skip during parameter processing. More details below
apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions Allows the exclusion of specified @ApiModelProperty fields. This can be used to hide certain model properties from the swagger spec. More details below

You need to specify a handlebars template file in templatePath. The value for templatePath supports 2 kinds of path:

  1. Resource in classpath. You should specify a resource path with a classpath: prefix. e.g:

    1. classpath:/markdown.hbs
    2. classpath:/templates/hello.html
  2. Local file's absolute path. e.g:

    1. ${basedir}/src/main/resources/markdown.hbs
    2. ${basedir}/src/main/resources/template/hello.html

There's a standalone project for the template files, fetch them and customize it for your own project.

There're 3 types of security definitions according to Swagger Spec: basic, apiKey and oauth2.

You can define multi definitions here, but you should fully follow the spec.

You can define a basic definition like this:


or define several definitions in a json file and specify the json path like this:


The file will be read by getClass().getResourceAsStream, so please note the path you configured.

The securityDefinition.json file should also follow the spec, one sample file like this:

  "api_key": {
    "type": "apiKey",
    "name": "api_key",
    "in": "header"
  "petstore_auth": {
    "type": "oauth2",
    "authorizationUrl": "",
    "flow": "implicit",
    "scopes": {
      "write:pets": "modify pets in your account",
      "read:pets": "read your pets"

Model substitute file is a simple text file with multiple lines, each line tells the plugin to substitutes a model class with the supplied substitute, and the 2 classes should be seperated by a :.

e.g The line: : java.lang.String

would tell the plugin substitute with java.lang.String, and the generated swagger.json will become:

 "definitions" : {
    "Pet" : {
      "properties" : {
        "petName" : {
          "type" : "string"

instead of :

 "definitions" : {
    "Pet" : {
      "properties" : {
        "petName" : {
          "$ref" : "#/definitions/PetName"

Model substitute file will be read by getClass().getResourceAsStream, so please note the path you configured.

You can instruct swagger-maven-plugin to skip processing the parameters of certain types by adding the following to your pom.xml:


This requires at least swagger-maven-plugin version 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.

If you'd like to exclude certain @ApiModelPropertys based on their access values, you may do so by adding the following as a child node of apiSource in your pom.xml:


The above setting would prevent internalThing from appearing in the swagger spec output, given this annotated model:

    @ApiModelProperty(name = "internalThing", access = "secret-property")
    public String getInternalThing() {
        return internalThing;

Note: In order to use apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions, you must specify both the name and access fields of the property you wish to exclude. Additionally, apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions requires at least swagger-maven-plugin version 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.


There's a sample here, just fork it and have a try.

A Sample Configuration

                    <title>Swagger Maven Plugin Sample</title>
                    <!-- use markdown here because I'm using markdown for output,
                    if you need to use html or other markup language, you need to use your target language,
                     and note escape your description for xml -->
                        This is a sample.
                        <name>Kong Chen</name>
                        <name>Apache 2.0</name>
                <!-- Support classpath or file absolute path here.
                1) classpath e.g: "classpath:/markdown.hbs", "classpath:/templates/hello.html"
                2) file e.g: "${basedir}/src/main/resources/markdown.hbs",
                    "${basedir}/src/main/resources/template/hello.html" -->


1. SNAPSHOT Version

SNAPSHOT versions are available for verify issues, new features. If you would like to try to verify the fixed issues or the new added features, you may need to add pluginRepository in your pom.xml:


2. Dependency conflict

If you have package depedency conflict issues, such as jackson, joda-time, or jsr311-api. Run

mvn dependency:tree

to check which package introduces the one conflicts with yours, and then you can use <exclusion> conficuration in pom.xml to exlcude it.

Here's an example:

To exclude from swagger-jaxrs_2.10:


Developed with IntelliJ IDEA


JAX-RS & SpringMVC supported maven build plugin, helps you generate Swagger JSON and API document in build phase.







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  • Java 69.6%
  • HTML 28.5%
  • Handlebars 1.9%