a simple function that takes a backbone model and returns an object with each of the attributes as a function that will return their value when no arguments passed or set the value when passed an argument. You can chain setting arguments and write code like this:
var mod = new Backbone.Model({
firstName: 'Fred',
secondName: 'Smith'
var names = toAttrs(mod);
names.firstName(); // Bob
It returns an object but you can put the functions on the original model by extending it:
_.extend(mod, toAttrs(mod));
mod.lastName(); // Goldsberg
You will still have to use set if adding new attributes and then rerun the toAttrs function. You could create a newAttribute function on the model to do this for you:
Backbone.Model.prototype.newAttribute = function(key, val, options) {
this.set(key, val, options);