eval ($s=
%w(s =%(e
val( $s=%
w(#{ $s})* "")) ;puts( ["1f wnv1 q4xrvp4w0 ","1f wnv1
q4xrvp4w0", "1fwnv1q4xrv p4w0 ","1 hl0q9 deze aku6n","1jc
anpzbo dnf30 f"," 1hu9 1oef gwcf dxb" ,"1g0
31fmt 9cb4 oin" ,"1g 03kv fpbxhgtu7 "," 1hua
2h60 ublv rwv" ,"1jcap kghtdfp 6hb ","1
hl0g adpk 99w2 6n"," fjd 9fk0 ","7 n8t7n
k"]. map{ |l|( (0.. 72).map{|i| l.to_i(36)[
i]>0 ?s.s lice !(0) :32.ch r}*"" ).rs
- Dachs: My own programming language. It is a statically typed GCed language with Ruby-inspired syntax, and compiled to executable with LLVM (unmaintained)
- gocaml: Small subset of OCaml with level-based polymorphic Hindley Milner type inference in Go, and compiled to executable with LLVM
- wain: WebAssembly interpreter implemented with zero dependencies in Safe Rust
- vim.wasm: Vim editor ported to browsers with WebAssembly, TypeScript and Web Worker
- clever-f.vim: Extended
key mappings - git-messenger.vim: Reveal the hidden message from Git under the cursor
- committia.vim: Better 'Edit commit message' buffer on making a VCS commit
- vim-color-spring-night: My own low-contrast color theme
- 8cc.vim: C99 compiler in Vim script ported from 8cc with ELVM
- kiro-editor: Small UTF-8 text editor on terminal written in Rust
- git-brws: Quickly open various pages in several Git hosting services
- dotfiles: CLI utility to manage 'dotfiles' with symbolic links
- actionlint: Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
- hgrep: Grep with human-friendly search results
- NyaoVim: Web-enhanced extensible Neovim frontend built with Electron, Web Components and TypeScript (unmaintained)
- Shiba: Markdown live preview app integrating a linter built with Electron and TypeScript, being rewritten with Rust using OS-specific WebView
- neovim/node-client: Neovim Node.js client and plugin host
- prabirshrestha/vim-lsp: Async language server protocol plugin for Vim and Neovim
- vim-crystal/vim-crystal: Vim filetype and tools support for Crystal language
- vim/vim#4541 and neovim/neovim#10313 implemented
for Vim script - vim/vim#3264 added syntax highlights and indentation for WebAssembly text format to Vim
- rust-lang/rust-clippy#3723 added
rule to clippy linter - crystal-lang/crystal#329 implemented mt19937 RNG to improve Crystal's standard library
- kanaka/mal#70 added Crystal implementation of 'Make a Lisp'
- vim-jp/vital.vim#567 implemented ES2015
in Vim script as a library - autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim#767 implemented a float window support for Neovim LSP client