Quickly and easily post files from Atom to GitHub Gists.
Gist Current File (⌥⌘G) Gists the contents of the current file in the editor
Gist Selection (⇧⌥⌘G) Gists the contents of the current selection. If more than one selection is active, uses the most recent one.
Gist Open Buffers Creates a gist with the content of all buffers in the active workspace
Gist It will post gists anonymously by default, to post to your own GitHub
account generate a new token with the
scope and copy it into the package's preferences (see the section below
if you have trouble finding these).
If you keep your Atom configuration in a public repo, or otherwise don't want
your token to reside in the main user config, you can instead put it in
. You can then add this file to a .gitignore
file to
keep it out of public repos.
To configure your preferences for Gist It, open the Atom preferences with ⌘, and select 'Gist It' from the sidebar. From there you can modify a variety of settings:
New Gists Default To Private (Boolean) By default, new gists will be public. you can change this option manually when creating the gist, or set it to instead default to private by enabling this option.
User Token (String) This field allows the user to enter a custom generated OAuth token to have Gists attributed to their GitHub account. A token can be created here and must include the
scope. -
GitHub Enterprise Host (String) Configure the hostname of a GitHub enterprise instance where Gists should be created.
Use Http (Boolean) By default, all requests are made to the GitHub API over HTTPS. Setting this option allows communicating with an enterprise instance that is only served over HTTP.
Open new Gist after create If this option is set, new Gists will be opened in the default web browser immediately after they have been created.