CrackCode exercises and some others, algorithms implementations, in Go
- Rotate a matrix 90º in place: rotatematrix90.go
- Delete duplicates in a Single Linked List with no extra structures: deletedupes.go
- Implement an algorithm to find the nth to the last element of a singly linked list: nthtothelast.go
- Delete a node from a Linked List with only access to that node: deletenode.go
- If node to be deleted happens to be the last in the LinkedList the problem is impossible to solve
- Stack using a Linked List: stacklinkedlist.go
- Queue using a Linked List: queuelinkedlist.go
- Stack using a resizing array: stackresizingarray.go
- Queue using a resizing array: queueresizingarray.go
Please note some of them are not programming related and explained in
- Implement substraction, multiplication and division only using the
operator: operationswithplus.go (WIP)
- Implement fibonacci: fibonnaci.go
- Implement an algorithm to print all valid (e g , properly opened and closed) combi- nations of n-pairs of parentheses: parenthesis.go
- MergeSort for an array of integers: mergesort.go
- Find distance between 2 given keys of a Binary Tree: distancebinarytree.go
- Find out if a binary tree is balanced: distancebinarytree.go
Example of binary Tree