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Takes a stream of data and decodes it into a reactive Vuex store for use in Vue components.

This library uses ricardoboss/extended-nmea to decode NMEA0183 sentences. The decoded sentences get used to update the module state. You can use this library in your Vue.js project to reactively bind to specific values extracted from an NMEA0183 data stream.


  1. Register the plugin:
// ./src/store/index.ts

import Vue from "vue"
import Vuex from "vuex"
import {createPlugin as createVesselStatePlugin} from "vessel-state";
import {RootState} from "./states/RootState";


export default new Vuex.Store<RootState>({
	plugins: [createVesselStatePlugin<RootState>()],
  1. Bind a value:
<!-- ./src/views/ROT.vue -->

	<span>ROT: {{ rateOfTurn }}</span>

export default {
	name: "ROT",

	computed: {
		...mapState("vessel", {
			rateOfTurn: state => state.route.rateOfTurn
  1. Update the value using the vessel/update action with the NMEA0183 sentence as the payload:
// somewhere in your code...

this.$store.dispatch('vessel/update', "$--ROT,-1.31,A*38"); // will update the value of rateOfTurn to -1.31

Vessel State Object

The vessel store has the following structure:

	"location": {
		"latitude": {
			"quadrant": "N",
			"degrees": 0,
			"decimal": 0
		"longitude": {
			"quadrant": "E",
			"degrees": 0,
			"decimal": 0
		"altitude": 0,
		"geoidalSeparation": 0
	"gps": {
		"dilutionOfPrecision": {
			"position": 0,
			"vertical": 0,
			"horizontal": 0
		"satellites": {},
		"time": {
			"totalMilliseconds": 0
		"date": {
			"day": 0,
			"month": 0,
			"year": 0
		"fix": 0
	"orientation": {
		"heading": 0,
		"pitch": 0,
		"roll": 0
	"route": {
		"rateOfTurn": 0,
		"course": 0,
		"speed": 0,
		"magneticTrackAngle": 0
	"source": {
		"manufacturer": {
			"name": ""
		"battery": {
			"voltage": 0,
			"percent": 0
	"stats": {
		"lastUpdate": 0,
		"messages": {
			"count": 0,
			"invalid": 0,
			"errors": 0

Custom NMEA sentences

Since ricardoboss/extended-nmea supports the addition of custom sentences, this library also propagates this feature to you.

Create your TalkerSentence implementation and register it in a CustomVesselStateMutationRegistrar:

// ./src/sentences/NAV.ts

import {TalkerSentence} from "extended-nmea/dist/types/sentences/TalkerSentence";
import {RawNmeaSentence} from "extended-nmea/dist/types/sentences/RawNmeaSentence";
import {RootState} from "@/store/states/RootState";
import {VesselStateActionContext, CustomVesselStateMutationRegistrar} from "vessel-state";

export class NAV extends TalkerSentence {
	public static readonly ID = "NAV";

	constructor(data: RawNmeaSentence) {

	public get roll(): number {
		return parseFloat(this.dataFields[0]);

	public get pitch(): number {
		return parseFloat(this.dataFields[1]);

export const registrar = {
	id: NAV.ID, decoder: NAV, mutator: (context: VesselStateActionContext<RootState>, sentence: NAV) => {
		context.commit('roll', sentence.roll);
		context.commit('pitch', sentence.pitch);
} as CustomVesselStateMutationRegistrar<RootState, NAV>;

Then, in your store, register the registrar via dispatch:

import {registrar as NavRegistrar} from "@/sentences/NAV";

const store = new Vuex.Store<...>(...);

store.dispatch('vessel/register', NavRegistrar);

export default store;

Custom state properties

If you need/want to add custom properties to the vessel state, use the custom mutation and a CustomMutationPayload:

// in a registrar mutator...

context.commit('custom', {
  path: '',
  value: sentence.myCustomValue


This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please review the LICENSE file for more information.