This repository is archived and if you need a similar library you can use the CayenneLPP library.
This is an Arduino Library Compatible to Decoder Cayenne Low Power Payload to Json format (ArduinoJson).
This library uses the ArduinoJson library.
- Install the library by Importing the .zip library using either the master or one of the releases ZIP files.
- API References:
The library comes with examples. After installing the library you need to restart the Arduino IDE before they can be found under File > Examples > CayenneLPPDecode.
lpp.addDigitalInput(1, 0);
lpp.addDigitalOutput(2, 1);
lpp.addAnalogInput(3, 1.23f);
lpp.addAnalogOutput(4, 3.45f);
lpp.addLuminosity(5, 20304);
lpp.addPresence(6, 1);
lpp.addTemperature(7, 26.5f);
lpp.addRelativeHumidity(8, 86.6f);
lpp.addAccelerometer(9, 1.234f, -1.234f, 0.567f);
lpp.addBarometricPressure(10, 1023.4f);
lpp.addGyrometer(1, -12.34f, 45.56f, 89.01f);
lpp.addGPS(1, -12.34f, 45.56f, 9.01f);
"digital_in_1": 0,
"digital_out_2": 1,
"analog_in_3": 1.23,
"analog_out_4": 3.45,
"luminosity_5": 20304,
"presence_6": 1,
"temperature_7": 26.5,
"relative_humidity_8": 86.5,
"accelerometer_9": {
"x": 1.234,
"y": -1.234,
"z": 0.567
"barometric_pressure_10": 1023.4,
"gyrometer_1": {
"x": -12.34,
"y": 45.56,
"z": 89.01
"gps_1": {
"latitude": -12.34,
"longitude": 45.56,
"altitude": 9.01
The json field name was based on The Things Network payload format Cayenne LPP.
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