Multi Agent Environments for Vehicle Routing Problems
MAENVS4VRP is a library made up of multi-agent environments for simulating classic vehicle routing problems.
Documentation | Install | Quickstart Notebook | Train Your Model | Paper
Evironment | Source | Description |
CVRPSTW (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
CVRPTW (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
MDVRPTW (Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
PCVRPTW (Prize Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
PDPTW (Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
SDVRPTW (Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
TOPTW (Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows) | Code | Docs |
If you want to install MAENVS4VRP locally on your machine:
git clone && cd maenvs4vrp
pip install -e .
You can run tests in testing directory /tests/unit/environments
You can train models in learning directory maenvs4vrp/learning
python maenvs4vrp/learning/mardam/ --vrp_env toptw --num_agents 5 --num_nodes 51 --val_set servs_50_agents_5 --selection stime
python maenvs4vrp/learning/madyam/ --vrp_env toptw --num_agents 5 --num_nodes 51 --val_set servs_50_agents_5 --selection stime
│ ├───core
│ ├───environments
│ │ ├───cvrpstw
│ │ ├───cvrptw
│ │ ├───mdvrptw
│ │ ├───pcvrptw
│ │ ├───pdptw
│ │ ├───sdvrptw
│ │ ├───toptw
│ ├───learning
│ │ ├───madyam
│ │ ├───mardam
│ ├───notebooks
│ ├───utils
│ ├───unit
│ │ ├───environments
If you want to include MAENVS4VRP in your publications, you can use:
title={Multi-Agent Environments for Vehicle Routing Problems},
author={Ricardo Gama and Daniel Fuertes and Carlos R. del-Blanco and Hugo L. Fernandes},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.14411},