This pointblank workshop will teach you a lot about what pointblank can do, and, it'll give you an opportunity to experiment with the package. All materials are also available as a Posit Cloud project, making it easy to get up and running.
The goal of the workshop is to introduce you to a lot of examples and provide some time to use the functions of pointblank with some sample datasets, learning bit-by-bit as we go.
Each module of the workshop focuses on a different subset of functions and they are all presented here as R Markdown (.Rmd) files, with one file for each workshop module:
, validation fns, interrogation/reports)"02-scan-your-data.Rmd"
(Looking at your data withscan_data()
(Using theexpect_*()
and its reporting structures)"05-intro-to-data-documentation.Rmd"
and describing your data)"06-getting-deeper-into-documenting-data.Rmd"
(Using snippets and text tricks)
You can navigate to any of these and modify the code within the self-contained R Markdown code chunks. Entire R Markdown files can be knit to HTML, where a separate window will show the rendered document.
Installation of pointblank on your system is done by using install.packages()
# install.packages("pointblank")
You can optionally use the development version of pointblank, installing it from GitHub with devtools::install_github()
# devtools::install_github("rich-iannone/pointblank")