Leaderboard is a social application that keeps track of a user's score across various websites. All data is easily viewed in a tabular format for all users across the app. Leaderboard updates itself with the latest data as well.
Leaderboard tracks a user's score across various services:
- ✓ Github (follower count)
- ✓ Last.FM (listen count)
- ✓ Stackoverflow (reputation)
- ✓ AskUbuntu (reputation)
- ✓ Facebook (subscribers)
- Dropbox (total space)
- ✓ Twitter (follower count)
- ✓ Spoj (current score)
- ✓ Gitscore (user's score)
- ✓ Hacker News (user's karma)
- ✓ Klout score
- ✓ Project Euler (problems solved)
More services are planned. Services that require authentication ask for a minimal authentication via oauth.
#Authentication The authentication mechanism for a user is based on Github's organization