** by Richard Guinto ** richard.guinto@gmail.com
Deep Image Homography Estimation a.k.a. HomographyNet is a Deep Convulation Neural Network which directly produces the Homography relating two images. The paper is fully described from this link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.03798.pdf
The dataset was generated using images from the COCO 2017 Test Images as described in the paper. Samples are bundled together in NumPy archives (.npz), with 9216 samples per archive. I used 40 archives during the training, and 3 archives for the evaluation.
Each archive is ~289MiB
%ls "dataset\\test"
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 4A9E-AED8
Directory of C:\Users\Richard Guinto\msee\dataset\test
10/22/2017 07:14 PM <DIR> .
10/22/2017 07:14 PM <DIR> ..
10/22/2017 07:14 PM 6,148 .DS_Store
10/22/2017 07:14 PM 302,580,104 f7823b11-901a-457a-89a2-8c37dc4fef60.npz
10/22/2017 07:14 PM 302,580,104 fa6716a8-218c-42b1-a6aa-3fd014eb0f64.npz
10/22/2017 07:14 PM 302,580,104 faf48514-698b-45e3-ae58-60c9189e0426.npz
4 File(s) 907,746,460 bytes
2 Dir(s) 681,769,811,968 bytes free
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os.path
import glob
path = "dataset/test/f7823b11-901a-457a-89a2-8c37dc4fef60.npz"
print('path:', os.path.abspath(path))
archive = np.load(os.path.abspath(path))
print('keys:', archive.files)
path: C:\Users\Richard Guinto\msee\dataset\test\f7823b11-901a-457a-89a2-8c37dc4fef60.npz
keys: ['images', 'offsets']
images = archive['images']
offsets = archive['offsets']
print('images.shape: ', images.shape)
print('offsets.shape: ', offsets.shape)
images.shape: (9216, 128, 128, 2)
offsets.shape: (9216, 8)
sample_image = np.split(images[0], 2, axis=-1)
plt.imshow(sample_image[0].squeeze(), cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x153ecb70>
plt.imshow(sample_image[1].squeeze(), cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x16472780>
sample_offset = offsets[0]
print('sample offset: ', sample_offset)
sample offset: [ -4 -6 -29 -12 -3 -23 -2 24]
The offset represents the displacement x,y with respect to the patch corner points
#data loading in Keras (credits: baudm)
def data_loader(path, batch_size=64):
"""Generator to be used with model.fit_generator()"""
while True:
for npz in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.npz')):
# Load pack into memory
archive = np.load(npz)
images = archive['images']
offsets = archive['offsets']
# Yield minibatch
for i in range(0, len(offsets), batch_size):
end_i = i + batch_size
batch_images = images[i:end_i]
batch_offsets = offsets[i:end_i]
except IndexError:
# Normalize
batch_images = (batch_images - 127.5) / 127.5
batch_offsets = batch_offsets / 32.
yield batch_images, batch_offsets
from keras import backend as K
#Loss Function using SMSE
def euclidean_l2(y_true, y_pred):
return K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1, keepdims=True))
def mace(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(32*K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(K.reshape(y_pred, (-1,4,2)) - K.reshape(y_true, (-1,4,2))),\
axis=-1, keepdims=True)),axis=1)
Using TensorFlow backend.
samples_per_archive = images.shape[0]
print('samples per archive: ', samples_per_archive)
samples per archive: 9216
The python script below is the training model.
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Activation, Dense, Dropout, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten, BatchNormalization, InputLayer
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras import backend as K
from keras import optimizers
import tensorflow as tf
# Dataset-specific
train_data_path = 'dataset/training'
test_data_path = 'dataset/test'
samples_per_archive = 9216
num_archives = 40
# 43 archives x 9,216 samples per archive, but use just 40 and save the 3 for testing
num_samples = num_archives * samples_per_archive
# From the paper
batch_size = 64
total_iterations = 90000
steps_per_epoch = num_samples / batch_size # As stated in Keras docs
epochs = int(total_iterations / steps_per_epoch)
input_shape = (128, 128, 2)
kernel_size = 3
pool_size = 2
filters = 64
dropout = 0.5
model = Sequential()
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same'))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same'))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same'))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same'))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same',))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same',))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same',))
kernel_size=kernel_size, activation='relu', padding='same',))
model.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu'))
#for regression model
#use optimizer Stochastic Gradient Methond with a Learning Rate of 0.005 and momentum of 0.9
#sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.005, momentum=0.9, decay=0.001355)
sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.005, momentum=0.9)
#compile model
optimizer=sgd, metrics=['mean_squared_error'])
#check point
filepath = "checkpoints/weights-{epoch:02d}-{loss:.2f}.hdf5"
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='loss', verbose=1)
callback_list = [checkpoint]
# Train
model.fit_generator(data_loader(train_data_path, batch_size),
epochs=epochs, callbacks=callback_list)
The training produced the record of the weights for each epoch and the last checkpoint was used to load for the model evaluation
%ls -l checkpoints
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 4A9E-AED8
Directory of C:\Users\Richard Guinto\msee
Directory of C:\Users\Richard Guinto\msee\checkpoints
10/23/2017 06:55 PM <DIR> .
10/23/2017 06:55 PM <DIR> ..
10/23/2017 06:37 AM 273,658,120 weights-01-1.08.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:37 AM 273,658,120 weights-02-0.86.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:38 AM 273,658,120 weights-03-0.77.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:38 AM 273,658,120 weights-04-0.72.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:38 AM 273,658,120 weights-05-0.68.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:38 AM 273,658,120 weights-06-0.66.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:39 AM 273,658,120 weights-07-0.64.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:39 AM 273,658,120 weights-08-0.62.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:39 AM 273,658,120 weights-09-0.61.hdf5
10/22/2017 08:58 PM 273,658,120 weights-10-0.60.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:40 AM 273,658,120 weights-11-0.58.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:40 AM 273,658,120 weights-12-0.57.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:40 AM 273,658,120 weights-13-0.57.hdf5
10/23/2017 06:40 AM 273,658,120 weights-14-0.56.hdf5
14 File(s) 3,831,213,680 bytes
2 Dir(s) 681,763,631,104 bytes free
File Not Found
The python script below is used to evaluate our trained model with the 3 test archives (3 x 9216 samples). I modified the metrics to use the custom function to define the Mean Average Corner Error (mace) instead of just the mean square error used in the training.
from keras.models import load_model
from keras import optimizers
#Model Checkpoint
checkpoint = "checkpoints/weights-14-0.56.hdf5"
test_data_path = "datasets/test"
test_samples = 3 * samples_per_archive
batch_size = 64
steps = test_samples / batch_size
# load model
model = load_model(checkpoint, custom_objects={'euclidean_l2': euclidean_l2, 'mace': mace})
#use optimizer Stochastic Gradient Methond with a Learning Rate of 0.005 and momentum of 0.9
sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.005, momentum=0.9)
#compile model
optimizer=sgd, metrics=[mace])
# Test
score = model.evaluate_generator(data_loader(test_data_path, batch_size),
print('Test score:', score)
The Mean Average Corner Error for the evaluation phase resulted to 6.30 pixels only, which is better than 9.2 pixels (the published result in the paper).
This python code shows the prediction results with the first 10 samples of the test archive. The result of each prediction is a normalized value (-1 to 1). To get the actual offset value, we multiply the result by 32 (p = 32 in the paper). Mean Square Error is used for our metrics, while Root Mean Square Error is used for the loss function. On Mean Average Corner Error is still less than the 9.2pixel average described in the paper.
from keras.models import load_model
checkpoint = "checkpoints/weights-14-0.56.hdf5"
# load model
print('Loading model... ', checkpoint)
model = load_model(checkpoint, custom_objects={'euclidean_l2': euclidean_l2})
for idx in range(10):
print('SAMPLE ', idx)
sample_image = images[idx];
sample_shape = sample_image.shape
sample_image = sample_image.reshape(1, 128, 128, 2)
sample_offset = offsets[idx];
print('Sample Offset: ', sample_offset)
norm_sample_image = (sample_image - 127.5) / 127.5
norm_sample_offset = sample_offset / 32.
print('Normalize Sample Offset: ', norm_sample_offset)
print('Predicting Offset...')
norm_pred_offset = model.predict(norm_sample_image)
print('Predicted Offset(Normalize): ', norm_pred_offset)
pred_offset = norm_pred_offset * 32.
print('Predicted Offset: ', pred_offset)
rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(norm_pred_offset - norm_sample_offset),axis=-1,keepdims=True))
print('Normalize RMSE: ', rmse)
norm_mse = np.mean(np.square(norm_pred_offset - norm_sample_offset), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
print('Normalize MSE: ', norm_mse)
mse = np.mean(np.square(pred_offset - sample_offset), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
print('MSE: ', mse)
norm_mae = np.mean(np.absolute(norm_pred_offset - norm_sample_offset), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
print('Normalize MAE: ', norm_mae)
mae = np.mean(np.absolute(pred_offset - sample_offset), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
print('MAE: ', mae)
sum = 0
for i in range(0, len(sample_offset),2):
h = np.square(pred_offset[0][i] - sample_offset[i]) + np.square(pred_offset[0][i+1] - sample_offset[i+1])
h = np.sqrt(h)
#print('h: ', h)
sum = sum + h
mace = sum / (len(sample_offset) / 2)
print('Mean Ave. Corner Error: ', mace)
Loading model... checkpoints/weights-14-0.56.hdf5
Sample Offset: [ -4 -6 -29 -12 -3 -23 -2 24]
Normalize Sample Offset: [-0.125 -0.1875 -0.90625 -0.375 -0.09375 -0.71875 -0.0625 0.75 ]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[-0.14250475 -0.05554018 -0.92104042 -0.36435172 -0.11278056 -0.63863069
-0.19482951 0.59375417]]
Predicted Offset: [[ -4.56015205 -1.77728581 -29.4732933 -11.65925503 -3.60897803
-20.43618202 -6.23454428 19.00013351]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.25837391]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.00834463]]
MSE: [[ 8.54490576]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.07032856]]
MAE: [[ 2.25051391]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 3.50753724314
Sample Offset: [ 27 -28 -7 -6 -31 -20 -5 3]
Normalize Sample Offset: [ 0.84375 -0.875 -0.21875 -0.1875 -0.96875 -0.625 -0.15625 0.09375]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[ 0.60214853 -0.70988363 -0.21000905 -0.03854291 -0.65358949 -0.66570729
-0.03431126 -0.10413262]]
Predicted Offset: [[ 19.26875305 -22.71627617 -6.72028971 -1.23337317 -20.91486359
-21.30263329 -1.09796035 -3.33224392]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.51274665]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.03286364]]
MSE: [[ 33.65236782]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.15501313]]
MAE: [[ 4.96042015]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 7.93649736027
Sample Offset: [ 19 -31 -4 5 -27 -5 27 13]
Normalize Sample Offset: [ 0.59375 -0.96875 -0.125 0.15625 -0.84375 -0.15625 0.84375 0.40625]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[ 0.55748105 -0.72920072 -0.10686783 0.16751814 -0.22563538 -0.47743446
0.70303178 0.28376466]]
Predicted Offset: [[ 17.83939362 -23.33442307 -3.41977048 5.36058044 -7.22033215
-15.2779026 22.49701691 9.08046913]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.76104169]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.07239806]]
MSE: [[ 74.13561035]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.18846515]]
MAE: [[ 6.03088471]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 9.17414138186
Sample Offset: [ 18 -16 21 -1 17 -11 -19 -16]
Normalize Sample Offset: [ 0.5625 -0.5 0.65625 -0.03125 0.53125 -0.34375 -0.59375 -0.5 ]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[ 0.76808685 -0.46365145 0.70317274 -0.07748534 0.56381035 -0.34365073
-0.64307743 -0.5176217 ]]
Predicted Offset: [[ 24.57877922 -14.83684635 22.50152779 -2.47953081 18.04193115
-10.99682331 -20.57847786 -16.56389427]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.22744346]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.00646632]]
MSE: [[ 6.62150741]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.05433778]]
MAE: [[ 1.73880893]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 2.87672751712
Sample Offset: [-24 26 -14 -26 -13 -14 -10 -9]
Normalize Sample Offset: [-0.75 0.8125 -0.4375 -0.8125 -0.40625 -0.4375 -0.3125 -0.28125]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[-0.78741205 0.41173747 -0.57676262 -0.87145525 -0.46138126 -0.53484929
-0.69419068 -0.19469351]]
Predicted Offset: [[-25.19718552 13.1755991 -18.45640373 -27.88656807 -14.76420021
-17.11517715 -22.21410179 -6.23019218]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.59209476]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.04382203]]
MSE: [[ 44.87375424]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.15714002]]
MAE: [[ 5.02848065]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 8.45592787067
Sample Offset: [-31 3 -26 20 15 25 -14 -15]
Normalize Sample Offset: [-0.96875 0.09375 -0.8125 0.625 0.46875 0.78125 -0.4375 -0.46875]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[-0.92497671 0.12453513 -0.78725767 0.57240045 0.47227308 0.66715419
-0.31599027 -0.37257075]]
Predicted Offset: [[-29.59925461 3.98512411 -25.19224548 18.31681442 15.11273861
21.34893417 -10.11168861 -11.9222641 ]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.20811785]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.00541413]]
MSE: [[ 5.5440692]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.06096352]]
MAE: [[ 1.95083266]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 3.04780555406
Sample Offset: [-21 -31 -20 -24 4 -3 -20 -23]
Normalize Sample Offset: [-0.65625 -0.96875 -0.625 -0.75 0.125 -0.09375 -0.625 -0.71875]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[-0.61325133 -0.80329746 -0.52129155 -0.70986444 -0.01804418 0.05308453
-0.49432555 -0.64243144]]
Predicted Offset: [[-19.62404251 -25.70551872 -16.68132973 -22.715662 -0.57741368
1.69870496 -15.81841755 -20.55780602]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.32636189]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.01331401]]
MSE: [[ 13.63354687]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.10614587]]
MAE: [[ 3.39666776]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 5.10779034277
Sample Offset: [ 3 3 13 27 21 -14 4 9]
Normalize Sample Offset: [ 0.09375 0.09375 0.40625 0.84375 0.65625 -0.4375 0.125 0.28125]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[ 0.13763909 0.06586245 0.53117824 0.5813545 0.699045 -0.44823477
0.24651718 0.35018265]]
Predicted Offset: [[ 4.40445089 2.1075983 16.99770355 18.60334396 22.36944008
-14.34351254 7.8885498 11.20584488]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.32958643]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.0135784]]
MSE: [[ 13.90428345]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.087885]]
MAE: [[ 2.81231993]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 4.21156179327
Sample Offset: [-11 -8 -31 -17 27 -15 -17 5]
Normalize Sample Offset: [-0.34375 -0.25 -0.96875 -0.53125 0.84375 -0.46875 -0.53125 0.15625]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[-0.18427196 -0.10376725 -0.99645287 -0.43895617 0.73803866 -0.43310711
-0.43818918 0.15883529]]
Predicted Offset: [[ -5.89670277 -3.32055187 -31.88649178 -14.04659748 23.61723709
-13.85942745 -14.02205372 5.08272934]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.27787617]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.0096519]]
MSE: [[ 9.8835413]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.08283848]]
MAE: [[ 2.65083134]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 4.13912026992
Sample Offset: [-20 26 -26 -10 16 -13 24 28]
Normalize Sample Offset: [-0.625 0.8125 -0.8125 -0.3125 0.5 -0.40625 0.75 0.875 ]
Predicting Offset...
Predicted Offset(Normalize): [[-0.66163307 0.59332019 -0.73886538 -0.22212261 0.62033647 -0.42941627
0.39361817 0.69835544]]
Predicted Offset: [[-21.17225838 18.98624611 -23.64369202 -7.10792351 19.85076714
-13.74132061 12.59578133 22.34737396]]
Normalize RMSE: [[ 0.48600489]]
Normalize MSE: [[ 0.02952509]]
MSE: [[ 30.23369694]]
Normalize MAE: [[ 0.13704425]]
MAE: [[ 4.38541615]]
Mean Ave. Corner Error: 6.87280602189