This project was inspired by Mehul Mohan's FreeCodeCamp article '10 Popular Web Development Tools that Every Programmer Should Know'. Because I had heard of many of these tools but hadn't used all of them, let alone together on a single project, I was curious how, and most importantly why, I would configure all of these tools to work in harmony. It took quite a bit of effort and many hours of sifting through the various documentation pages, but here it is.
Current tools configured (in the most efficient order of installation) are: Git, Node, Express, Cypress (E2E testing), Webpack, Babel, Typescript, Sentry, and Docker.
- Use 'npm run server' to do a temporary build
- View app by navigating to 'localhost:8080' in browser or view server response by running 'curl -i localhost:8080'
- If satisfied, use 'npm run build' to build dist files for deployment
- View app by opening './dist/index.html' in browser
- Create docker image by typing '[sudo] docker build -t richardcarrigan/node-server .'
- Verify success by running '[sudo] docker images'
- Start docker container by running '[sudo] docker run -p 49160:8080 -d richardcarrigan/node-server'
- Verify success by running '[sudo] docker ps'
- View app by navigating to 'localhost:49160' in browser or view server response by running 'curl -i localhost:49160'
- Add webpack support for SASS
- Improve boilerplate content
Feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome. Also, if you would like more clarification on the reasoning behing using a particular tool, or help understanding what a portion of code means/does, I'm always happy to connect with others.
-Richard Carrigan