This is a working (hopefully) Rails 2.3.3 app template built and configured to run on Google App Engine.
Implemented and configured are some of the GAE specific API’s. At the moment the Users and URLFetch API’s. I intend to try out and deploy all of the exciting API’s provided by Google.
The latest version of this app is running on GAE here:
The JRuby boot time is very slow on GAE at the moment. I often need to wait a good 30 seconds for the JVM to boot. It is also prone to raise 500 errors, but keep on reloading the page and it should finally work. I sometimes need to reload the page a good ~20 times. A cron job that loads the environment every few minutes should apparently help, something I need to look into.
Register your app on Google App Engine:
sudo gem install google-appengine
Download the app: git clone git:// “your-app-name”
Update with “your-app-name”
appcfg.rb run -S irb -r config/environment
dev_appserver.rb .
appcfg.rb update .