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richardwilkes committed Jan 5, 2023
1 parent 3e6467d commit 404e07f
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Library/Markdown/Help/Interface/
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# Attributes
Attributes are the mathematical basis for the entire GURPS character system. Doing anything here will alter the GURPS attribute system and impact all the algorithms. You probably should just click Reset and close the panel.

If you still want to make changes, continue here ...

This is [unlinked](./ "unlinked data") and stored with each character sheet. Changes must be saved. Modifications can be saved as a [set](./ "Settings").

Initial values are found in [Default Attributes](./ "Default Attributes").

## Usage
**Settings -> Sheet Settings ...**

The menu bar option is available when a [Character Sheet](./ "Character Sheet") is active.

## Interface
### Tool Bar
- **[Save](./ "common icon:Save") ( ![](./img/check.png "Save") )** : save and close
- **[Cancel](./ "common icon:Cancel") ( ![](./img/no.png "Cancel") )** : cancel and close
- **[Add](./ "common icon:Add") ( ![](./img/plus.png "Add") )** : add an attribute
- **[Reset](./ "common icon:Reset") ![](./img/power.png "Reset")** : return to reality
- **[Menu](./ "common icon:Menu") ( ![](./img/bars.png "Reset") )**
- **[Import](./ "Import")** : Reads a JSON file with these values
- **[Export](./ "Export")** : Writes a JSON file with these values
- a list of all saved [Settings](./ "Settings") sets

## Fields
- **ID** : variable name, must be unique
- **Attribute type** :
- Numbers (integer or decimal)
- Separators (horizontal bars)
- Pool (range of numbers)
- **Short Name** : the full name, but shorter
- **Full Name** : the short name, but longer
- **Base Value** : where it starts out
- **Cost per Point** : increment/decrement cost
- **SM Reduction** : Size modifier cost change

### Tools
Each attribute has a set of tool icons:
- **[Move](./ "common icon:Move") ( ![](./img/handle.png "Move") )** : to reorder the attributes (click and drag).
- **[Delete](./ "common icon:Delete") ( ![](./img/trash.png "Delete") )** : to delete the attribute.
- **[Add](./ "common icon:Add") ( ![](./img/plus.png "Add") )** : to add a pool threshold (range limit), if the type is "Pool".

## Related
[Character Sheet](./ "Character Sheet")
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions Library/Markdown/Help/Interface/Body
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# Body Type
Body Type is the physical form, or lack of, the character takes. These parts form the damage location table. They are also used for option lists, such as equipment DR locations. This panel allows body parts to added, removed or changed.

The default is a humanoid. Changing this isn't a problem, unless the character happens to be a humanoid, in which case, leave it alone. On the other hand, if the character is a humanoid with six heads and one arm, or a giant octopus, feel free to add and remove parts. Adding parts can also increase the resolution of the damage table. For example, adding a sub-table for left and right eyes gives a means to roll for which eye got shot, and over which eye to rivet that large, iron eye-patch you've had in your pocket for ages.

This is [unlinked](./ "unlinked data") and stored with each character sheet. Changes must be saved. Modifications can be saved as a [set](./ "Settings").

Initial values are found in [Default Body Type](./ "Default Body Type") menu option.

## Usage
**Settings -> Body Type...**

The menu bar option is available when a [Character Sheet](./ "Character Sheet") is active.

## Interface
### Tool Bar
- **[Save](./ "common icon:Save") ( ![](./img/check.png "Save") )** : save and close
- **[Cancel](./ "common icon:Cancel") ( ![](./img/no.png "Cancel") )** : cancel and close
- **[Reset](./ "common icon:Reset") ![](./img/power.png "Reset")** : return to reality
- **[Menu](./ "common icon:Menu") ( ![](./img/bars.png "Reset") )**
- **[Import](./ "Import")** : Reads a JSON file with these values
- **[Export](./ "Export")** : Writes a JSON file with these values
- a list of all saved [Settings](./ "Settings") sets

## Fields
- **Name** : What the body type set is called
- **Roll** : dice used for the location roll

*Roll* number range count and the total slots used must match. Otherwise, the table spread will end up funny looking. Default human is 3d (16 number range) with an equal number of slots used.

For each body part:
- **ID** : variable name, must be unique within each group
- **Choice Name** : displayed when selecting the location as an option (e.g.: equipment feature DR location)
- **Table Name** : Text label on damage table
- **Slots** : number count for the roll (e.g.: 2 numbers from a 3d roll)
- **Hit Penalty** : skill penalty for aiming at that location. Yes, the groin is -3 for everyone.
- **DR Bonus** : Start damage resistance level
- **Description** : Any additional information concerning that particular bit. This text is a tooltip display for the electronic character sheet and .

### Tools
For the entire body set:
- **[Add](./ "common icon:Add") ( ![](./img/plus.png "Add") )** : add a body part (next to name)

For each body part:
- **[Move](./ "common icon:Move") ( ![](./img/handle.png "Move") )** : to reorder body parts. It's less painful than it sounds (click and drag).
- **[Delete](./ "common icon:Delete") ( ![](./img/trash.png "Delete") )** : to delete body parts. Shouldn't that be a big, flaming axe?
- **[Add](./ "common icon:Add") ( ![](./img/plus.png "Add") )** : to add a sub-part, in case you want micro-manage the bullets.

Sub-parts are grouped to create sub-tables for additional rolls. Other than the damage location table, which has indented sub-tables, all body parts are on a single list. Provide enough "Choice Name" context to find the right part.

## Related
[Character Sheet](./ "Character Sheet")
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions Library/Markdown/Help/Interface/Character
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# Character Sheet
A character sheet is pretty much the whole point to this program. An electronic, automated, GURPS Character Sheet. This will save so much time, you'll be able to learn to cook donuts and speak Norwegian. Unless noted, when referencing the *Character Sheet*, it includes the displayed, exported and printed character sheets.

If you object to donuts or Norwegians, you can always use [this]( "The hard way"). And a pencil. Good luck.

## Building a Character
The process is the same as in GURPS Basic Set Characters you bought (nudgenudgewinkwink). See B10.

- Create a new character sheet
- Set character point value
- Apply required [templates](./ "Character Template")
- Set attributes
- Add [traits](./ "Trait")
- Add [skills](./ "Skill")

Just that easy. Yeeeep.

## Usage
GURPS is designed by [these guys]( For the meaning and purpose of the entire game system, they can provide all the answers to any possible questions. And no doubt it's just that easy to go there and ask. *No doubt*. And while there, ask about Vehicles 4e.

Only GCS, the program by [this guy](, and it's functions are discussed here.

As with all windowing systems, there are multiple ways to things. These will get things going.

### New
**File -> New Character Sheet**

Depending on [General Settings](./ "General Settings") and [Default Sheet Settings](./ "Default Sheet Settings"), a panel will appear with stuff in it.

### Open
**File -> Open**

Use the dialogue to find the file.

See Usage: Save.

### Modify
Select the character sheet to modify:
- Add
- **Item -> New \<element_type>**
- **\<context_menu> -> New \<element_type>**
- Drag and drop from a library (a red box appears where it can be placed)

- Edit (Select the element)
- **Edit -> Open Detail Editor**
- **\<context_menu> -> Open Detail Editor**
- Double click the element

- Duplicate (Select the element)
- **Edit -> Duplicate**
- **\<context_menu> -> Duplicate**

- Delete (Select the element)
- **Edit -> Delete**
- **\<context_menu> -> Delete**
- Press 'Del'. It might say 'delete', but that's a pretty long word for such a little key.

When adding elements, some present dialogues to get user input for [mods](./ "Mods") (e.g: Riding skill which requires specialization, Language trait requires a specialization and modifiers). Substitutions are presented as a field that needs completion. Modifications are a checklist of variables. Set the values and select Ok. Select Cancel to dismiss the dialogue, but that likely leaves the element and character incomplete. Edit the element to complete the selections.

Group elements by adding containers to the blocks and then elements to the containers. In character sheets, containers just sit there, containing stuff. The true *Power Of The Container* comes from [Character Templates](./ "Character Template"). See [Container](./ "Container") for details.

### Save
**File -> Save**\
**File -> Save As...**

Character sheets have a .gcs extension and can be stored anywhere. Which is exactly where you won't be able to find it, if you don't stay organized.

**Fancy Tip:** Save characters in the User Library for better file management, double click opening, and a bobblehead icon ( ![](./img/bobblehead.png "Bobblehead") ).

### Close
**File -> Close**

An unsaved file with get a save option dialogue before closing.

### Export
**File -> Export To...**

See [Export](./ "Export") for details.

### Delete
If the character sheet has not been saved:\
**Click the icon ( ![](./img/x.png "Close") ) on the character sheet tab**

If already saved in a library:\
**library file context menu -> Delete**

Otherwise, the file needs to be deleted with the OS file manager.

## Interface
### Tool bar
- **View scale** : As a percentage
- **Sheet settings ( ![](./img/sliders.png "Sheet Setting") )** : See [Sheet Settings](./ "Sheet Settings")
- **Attributes ( ![](./img/print.png "Attributes") )** : See [Attributes](./ "Attributes")
- **Body Type ( ![](./img/dude.png "Body Type") )** : See [Body Type](./ "Body Type")
- **Calculators ( ![](./img/calc.png "Calculator") )** : Opens panel to character calculators

The calculators are for Jumping, Throwing and Hiking. The results are based in character sheet settings and calculator options.

## Fields
Some fields are [free-form data](./ "free-form data") and some are formatted. Some of the formats depend on the sheet settings. Some fields are calculated and can't be directly changed. Some fields are lists. To *some* it up, there are a lot of fields.

None of these fields are required, but many auto populate or complain if you remove the value. The file will save regardless. The filename is not linked to any field value. Character sheets use .gcs extensions by default.

The Identity and Description fields, with the randomize icon ( ![](./img/random.png "Randomize") ), can be randomly filled manually by clicking the icon, or automatically with Default Sheet Settings. Don't worry, it's random data appropriate to the field, not random hieroglyphs, a red dot, and a couple beeps.

### Portrait
Double click to add or change a picture. Select a file, don't just draw on the screen, and select Open. Or just drag and drop.

Remove the picture:\
**Select Edit -> Clear Portrait**

### Identity
These are all [free-form](./ "free-form data") fields. Hard return won't work.

### Miscellaneous
The dates are automated. The Player name is free form.

### Points
This is a calculated break down of available, unspent, and used character points. The calculation works on the given total. Click [edit](./ "common icon:Edit") ( ![](./img/pen-dark.png "common icon:Edit") ), in the title, to alter point total and [Points Record](./ "Points Record").

### Description
Height, Weight, Size, and TL are formatted fields. The rest are free-form.

### Primary Attributes
These are formatted fields and are positive integers. Changing, or not changing, these is part of building a character.

### Secondary Attributes
All of these are calculated from the Primary Attributes. Most can be changed as part of the character build process. Again, positive integers are highly recommended.

### Damage Table
That's not the title. The title will whatever the name of the character's body type. But, it's a damage table. It is all calculated, based on body type, armor, and more. It can't be directly changed.

### Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Automatically calculated and can't be directly changed.

The bag icon ( ![](./img/bag.png "Encumbrance") ) to the left indicates the current encumbrance, based on [Carried Equipment](./ "Carried Equipment").

### Basic Damage
Automatically calculated and can't be directly changed.

### Lifting & Moving Things
Automatically calculated and can't be directly changed.

### Point Pools
Automatically calculated. Changing the first number reflect the characters current health and fatigue. ... if you happen to be playing with a computer in front of you. Nerd.

Changing the second number adds either Fatigue Points (B16) or Hit Points (B16).

### Reaction
This list is populated by trait and skill choices and can not be directly changed.

### Condition
This list is populated by trait and skill choices and can not be directly changed.

### Melee Weapon
This list is populated by traits and [Carried Equipment](./ "Carried Equipment"). It can not be directly changed.

### Ranged Weapon
This list is populated by traits and [Carried Equipment](./ "Carried Equipment"). It can not be directly changed.

### Trait
A list of advantages, disadvantages, and quirks. The context menu and menu bar allows modification of this list.

See [Trait](./ "Trait") for details on trait elements and modifications.

### Skill/Technique
A list of skills and techniques. The context menu and menu bar allow modification of this list.

See [Skill](./ "Skill") for details on skill and technique elements and modifications.

### Spell
A list of spells. The context menu and menu bar allow modification of this list.

See [Spell](./ "Spells") for details on spell elements and modifications.

### Carried Equipment
A list of equipment in the characters pockets. You bought a pack, right? The context menu and menu bar allow modification of this list.

See [Carried Equipment](./ "Carried Equipment") for details on equipment elements and modifications.

### Other Equipment
A list of *stuff*. The context menu and menu bar allow modification of this list. This is stuff the character has someplace, and not on them at the moment. It does not count towards encumbrance, melee or ranged weapons.

See [Other Equipment](./ "Other Equipment") for details on equipment elements and modifications.

### Note
This is a list of [Note](./ "Note") elements. Add these to the character sheet directly or through a template. These notes are intended to relate to the character, campaign, game play, or player. A note about the game, as opposed to [Notes](./ "Notes").

## Related
[These guys](
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions Library/Markdown/Help/Interface/Character
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# Character Templates
Templates are collections of elements from all the possible types. They consist of [traits](./ "Trait"), [skills](./ "Skill"), [spells](./ "Spell"), [Equipment](./ "Equipment") and even a [Note](./ "Note") or ten. Templates can represent races, job training, gear sets, grimoires, and more.

A template is *applied* to a character. Depending on the contents, the template may present [mod](./ "Mods") dialogues. After handling mod potions, the various template elements are added to the character sheet. Once complete, the character sheet is [no longer connected](./ "unlinked data") to the template.

## Building a Template
- Create a new template
- Add traits, skills, spells, equipment and notes, as needed
- Modify element [mods](./ "Mods"), as needed
- Save the template in the [User Library](./ "Library Tree")

This really is that easy. Well, to be fair, containers can get complex. Test templates with blank character sheets, *THEN* use it on your character.

**Fancy Tip:** Add all the elements of a template to a top level [container](./ "Container"), even sub-containers. Name the top level container after the template (e.g: Dwarf, GSG9, Mental Patient). When the template is applied, all the elements are added to the character sheet in containers with the template's name.

In [templates](./ "Character Template"), a substitution question is created by using the notation *@\<comment>@*. The comment is [posed](./ "mod") when the template is applied. The result is placed wherever the notation is found. This is a common usage with the Specialization field.

## Usage
Using a Character Template is the exact same as using a Character Sheet, except what is noted here. See [Character Sheet](./ "Character Sheet") for detail on adding, modifying, saving, etc.

### New
**File -> New Character Template**

What looks like the lower half of the character sheet will appear. Empty.

### Open
Same as a character sheet.

### Modify
Templates are modified the same as Character Sheets.

As elements are added, element [mod](./ "Mods") dialogues do not occur. The element is added 'as is'. The assumption is that the dialogues will be presented and resolved when the template is applied. If that is desired, then just move along.

To pre-select mods, edit the element and make the changes. This is useful if all the options are the same for a set of target characters (e.g. a language, job skills, hatred of bagels).

On template application, anything with *modifiers* still presents the dialogues, but the choices can be pre-selected. Completed *substitutions* are not presented.

Containers are where all the advanced functionality and fancy footwork is done. Note that, the container doesn't always stick around, depending on how it is configured. See [Containers](./ "Container") for details.

**Fancy Tip:** Add a Note to the template, with the text: \<template_name> vX.X. If the template is modified, update the version number. When the template is applied, the note is copied to the character sheet and shows the template version used for that character.

### Save
**File -> Save**\
**File -> Save As...**

Templates are separate files with a .gct extension. Save them in the User [Library Tree](./ "Library Tree") some place.

### Apply
Both of these require a character sheet to be the active panel.

Library Tree:\
**\<template_context_menu> -> Apply Template to Character Sheet**

Menu Bar:\
**Edit -> Apply Template to Character Sheet**

### Close
As Character Sheet

### Delete
As Character Sheet

## Interface
### Tool Bar
- **View scale** : As a percentage
- **Apply ( ![](./img/stamp.png "Apply") )** : Apply to character sheet
- No sheet open, does nothing
- One open, applies to the character sheet
- More than one, asks which to use

## Fields
Just like the character sheet:
- **[Trait](./ "Trait")**
- **[Skill/Technique](./ "Skill")**
- **[Spell](./ "Spell")**
- **[Equipment](./ "Equipment")**
- **[Note](./ "Note")**

## Related
[Library Tree](./ "Library Tree")
[Character Sheet](./ "Character Sheet")

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