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C++11STLQt CreatorLubuntu


STK example 1: beep is an STK example that generates a beep. The code was copied from


Note that original copy-pasted code resulted in multiple compile warnings and that the library style, design and example code looks different from the experts' recommendations

Technical facts


Operating system(s) or programming environment(s)


Project type:

C++ standard:


Libraries used:

  • STL STL: GNU ISO C++ Library, version 4.9.2






Qt project file: ./CppStkExample1/


include(../../ConsoleApplication.pri) #Or use the code below # QT += core # QT += gui # greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets # CONFIG   += console # CONFIG   -= app_bundle # TEMPLATE = app # CONFIG(release, debug|release) { #   DEFINES += NDEBUG NTRACE_BILDERBIKKEL # } # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Weffc++ # unix { #   QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Werror # } include(../../Libraries/Boost.pri) #Or use the code below # win32 { #   INCLUDEPATH += \ #     ../../Libraries/boost_1_54_0 # } # Install STK by: # sudo apt-get install libstk0-dev include(../../Libraries/Stk.pri) #Or use the code below # INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/stk # LIBS += -L/usr/lib -lstk -lrtaudio SOURCES += main.cpp








// crtsine.cpp STK tutorial program #pragma GCC diagnostic push // I (RJCB) wish I did not need to add these ignores... #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Weffc++" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedefs" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #include "SineWave.h" #include "RtAudio.h" using namespace stk; // This tick() function handles sample computation only. It will be // called automatically when the system needs a new buffer of audio // samples. int tick( void *outputBuffer, void *inputBuffer, unsigned int nBufferFrames,          double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *dataPointer ) {   SineWave *sine = (SineWave *) dataPointer;   register StkFloat *samples = (StkFloat *) outputBuffer;   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nBufferFrames; i++ )     *samples++ = sine->tick();   return 0; } int main() {   // Set the global sample rate before creating class instances.   Stk::setSampleRate( 44100.0 );   SineWave sine;   RtAudio dac;   // Figure out how many bytes in an StkFloat and setup the RtAudio stream.   RtAudio::StreamParameters parameters;   parameters.deviceId = dac.getDefaultOutputDevice();   parameters.nChannels = 1;   RtAudioFormat format = ( sizeof(StkFloat) == 8 )     ? RTAUDIO_FLOAT64 : RTAUDIO_FLOAT32;   unsigned int bufferFrames = RT_BUFFER_SIZE;   try {     dac.openStream( &parameters, NULL, format,       (unsigned int)Stk::sampleRate(),       &bufferFrames, &tick, (void *)&sine );   }   catch ( RtError &error ) {     error.printMessage();     goto cleanup;   }   sine.setFrequency(440.0);   try {     dac.startStream();   }   catch ( RtError &error ) {     error.printMessage();     goto cleanup;   }   // Block waiting here.   char keyhit;   std::cout << "\nPlaying ... press <enter> to quit.\n";   std::cin.get( keyhit );   // Shut down the output stream.   try {     dac.closeStream();   }   catch ( RtError &error ) {     error.printMessage();   }   cleanup:   return 0; } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop