Visualize performance benefits (in microsecond granularity) in finding sum of large array of numbers using threads.
Includes a tool that generates a list of number when provided the step value (difference between consecutive numbers) and the starting, ending number.
A sample input file is provided (input.txt) that stores 500000 numbers, starting at 1 with a step value of 2.
To download the repository and compile the program, run the following commands:
git clone # replace [richidubey] with your github username if you fork first.
cd Sum-Parallelization-using-Threads
Run the following command to start the program. You have to specify the input file as the first parameter and the number of threads that should be used to calculate sum as the second parameter.
./main input.txt 6
Output on a system with Intel® Core™ i7-7500U (4MB Cache), 4 Cores, 8 GB DDR4 SDRAM:
$ ./main input.txt 2
Using 2 threads for parallelization
Number of elements in input: 500000
Expected sum: 250000000000
Sum calculated with help of threads: 250000000000
Sum calculated without help of threads: 250000000000
TASK TIME TAKEN(in micro seconds)
With 2 Threads 1166
Without Thread 936
$ ./main input.txt 8
Using 8 threads for parallelization
Number of elements in input: 500000
Expected sum: 250000000000
Sum calculated with help of threads: 250000000000
Sum calculated without help of threads: 250000000000
TASK TIME TAKEN(in micro seconds)
With 8 Threads 739
Without Thread 927
Run the following command to generate a file having a list of numbers each seperated by a new line. The script accepts the following parameters:
- -b : Beginning Number
- -s : Step value
- -e : Ending Number
- -o : Output File (This can act as the input file for main)
$ ./ -b 1 -s 5 -e 1000000 -o output_1.txt
Beginning: 1
Step value: 5
Ending: 1000000
Output: output_1.txt
Writing ...
Output Successfully saved in file output_1.txt in format:
Total Count of Nums (=200000)
First Num(=1)
Second Num
Last Num(=999996)
Total Sum(=99999700000)
The output file produced has the value of count of numbers (input size) in the first line, followed by the numbers (each separated on a new line) and the sum of all the numbers on the last line. The C file expects an input file in this format. This sum value provided in the last line is used to by the C program to check if the sum calculated is correct.
If the command ./gen_list
gives an error, update its permission:
sudo chmod +x ./gen_list
Contributions are actively encouraged. Please suggest changes/improvements by submitting issues. If you find a bug, please email me, submit a pull request (I'll buy you a coffee as a thank you); or submit an issue.