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An implentation of a job queue for the delayed-message RabbitMQ plugin.

Built on top of amqp-connection-manager and amqplib.

Changed in version 3 to be entirely promise-based.

Strongly recommended that you use Bunyan or similar library.

Example Usage

const Beatrix = require('beatrix')({
  uri: "amqp://",
  exchange: {
    name: "myapp"

// Connects to URI and asserts a Delayed Message Exchange named myapp

Beatrix.createQueue('echo', {
  process: function (message) {
    message.log('Got a message to echo!', message.body.text);

Beatrix.publish('echo', {text: 'hello'});

Beatrix.request('echo', {text: 'test'}).then((result) => {
  // result = "test"


var connection = Beatrix({...}); var connection = new Beatrix.Connection({...}).connect();


  • name - (default: "beatrix") used as a default for the Exchange name, part of the Queue fullnames, and as part of the process response queue.
  • log - (default: console) an object containing methods "info", "error", "fatal", "warn", "log" when most things happen.
  • stats - (default: void) a function which recieves arguments type, queue, stat, value, such as ("timing", "beatrix.test", "run", 14) for publishing to a metrics library such as StatsD.
  • uri: (default: localhost) connection string, or array of connection strings to try to connect to.
  • exchange: an object containing standard properties for the exchange such as:
  • (default: .name)
  • exchange.type: (default: x-delayed-message)
  • exchange.arguments.x-delayed-type: (default: direct)
  • responseQueue: an object defining how the responseQueue is set up:
  • defaults to a hopefully-unique string like "localhost.beatrix.81933.response.queue"
  • responseQueue.messageTtl: (default: 10 minutes)
  • queues: optional object containing queue definitions to immediately instatiate, see "Queue Options".
  • mock: (default: false) wether to use a light mocking interface instead of a real RabbitMQ connection. Does not support acking/nacking or concurrency at this time.


  • on/once(event, callback): trigger the passed callback when this event occurs.
  • connect() -> this: ensures there is a connection manager set up and binds passthroughs for certain events emmitted by the connection manager
  • isConnected() -> boolean: returns true if there is an active connection to an AMQP server.
  • close() -> Promise(boolean[]): attempts to close all channels and connections.
  • createChannel() -> Promise(channel): creates a new channel and asserts the exchange.
  • createQueue(name, options) -> Queue: creates a new Queue on this exchange. See "Queue options".
  • assertQueue(name, options) -> Queue: Idempotent version of createQueue.
  • send(method, routingKey, body, options) -> Promise(result): creates a new job and publishes it to the server when possible. Result type depends on method.
  • publish(routingKey, body, options) -> Promise(true): creates a new job and publishes it to the queue, resolving once received by the server.
  • request(routingKey, body, options) -> Promise(result): creates a new job and awaits the result from the processor before resolving.


  • connect -> Connection - emmitted every time the Connection associates, so may be multiple times per process.
  • disconnect -> Error(reason) - emitted every time the Connection drops.
  • success: passthrough of Queue/Job sucess event
  • partFailure: passthrough of Queue/Job partFailure event
  • fullFailure: passthrough of Queue/Job fullFailure event


Connection.createQueue(name, options) -> Queue Connection.assertQueue(name, options) -> Queue


  • name : name for logging and used as the routingKey unless overridden
  • fullName: name of the queue within RabbitMQ, defaults to connection name + queue name
  • routingKey: defaults to queue name, override if there are conflicts within the exchange
  • concurrency: passed through as prefetch, essentially the max concurrent jobs on this Queue.
  • id: initial incremented ID for messages if they dont have IDs on the body.
  • durable and autoDelete as well as other normal AMQP Queue options can be added here.
  • bypass: (default: false) if true and the local process has less running jobs than the Queue concurrency, then the job will be instantly run locally rather than publishing into RabbitMQ and then being retrieved.


  • on/once(event, callback): standard EventEmitter2 method
  • close() - closes the Queue channel which should prevent it from consuming any more messages.
  • delete() - deletes the Queue from the AMQP server
  • status(false) - if connected, returns an object describing the Queue status. Otherwise returns false
  • status(true) - waits until the Queue is connected before returning the Queue status.
  • publish(body, options) -> Promise(true) - publishes a Job to this Queue.
  • request(body, options) -> Promise(result) - requests a Job on this Queue and awaits the result.


  • connect -> Queue - emitted every time the channel connects/reconnects
  • disconnect -> Error(reason) - emitted if an error occurs setting up the channel
  • drop -> {message, err} - called when a message was dropped because it could not be JSON-encoded
  • close - emitted when the Queue is closed manually
  • setup -> {queue, consumerCount, messageCount, consumerTag} - emits whenever the channel connects and the Queue is set up successfully
  • check -> {pendingCount, consumerCount, messageCount} - emitted every 15 seconds with basic Queue size information
  • publish -> {options, body} - emitted whenever a Job is published and accepted by the server
  • success -> {message, result} - emitted whenever Job is processed successfully
  • partFailure -> {message, error} - emitted when a Job fails but will be retried
  • fullFailure -> {message, error} - emitted when a Job fails and will not be retried


Publishing options

  • maxAttempts (default: 1) - how many times should this job be retried before failing?
  • timeout (default: null) - how long in ms should we allow the processor to take before rejecting with a TimeoutError and potentially retrying?
  • replyTimeout (default: 5000) - how long should the requester wait before rejecting with a TimeoutError? Note, the job may successfully resolve after this.
  • initialDelay (default: 0) - should the first attempt be delayed?
  • delay (default: 1000) - how many milliseconds should we delay between attempts?
  • delayStrategy (default: Exponential) - see backoff-strategies for available strategies.
  • maxDelay (default: 86400000 (1 day)) - what is the longest between attempts, overriding any other delay results?
  • bunyan (default: null) - if passed a Bunyan instance, will attempt to copy over fields to message.log logger
  • exchange (default: parent) - will override the exchange the job is being published to from the connection default

A note on delays: by default it's Exponential at 1 second, so doubling every attempt: 1s, 2s, 4s, etc... So the 5 attempts will occur at least 31 seconds after publishing. Tuning the maxAttempts/delay/maxDelay properties is something you should probably spend a lot of time on. And delays won't work at all if you don't use the x-delayed-message plugin!


Opinionated RabbitMQ implementation






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