Particle port of the Adafruit 10-DOF IMU Breakout L3GD20H LSM303 BMP180
This is a port of the Adafruit libraries for the 10DOF (10 degree of freedom) IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) breakout board for the Particle Photon, Electron, etc.
- Boad <-> Photon
- VIN <-> 3V3
- GND <-> GND
- SCL <-> D1
- SDA <-> D0
- Leave the rest of the pins unconnected
Board Description and purchase link: [] (
[Adafruit How-To] (
It is ported from these libraries:
- [Adafruit Unified Sensor Library] (
- [LSM303DLHC Library] (
- [L3GD20 Library] (
- [BMP180 Library] (
- [Adafruit 10DOF Library] (
To use it in your code, simply add the Adafruit_10DOF_IMU library to your project. It should automatically add the approrpiate include:
#include "Adafruit_10DOF_IMU/Adafruit_10DOF_IMU.h"