golang backend for a super-handy Slack /slash
command that searches the team directory. i install as /dir
. example use:
user enters: /dir ric
response that users sees:
Your Company Team Directory Bot [04:41] Only you can see this message
rick tait: :phone: (213) NNN-NNNN :email: rickt@REDACTED.com :slack: @rickt
Richard Richardson: :phone: (213) NNN-NNNN :email: richard@richardso.com :slack: @richard
a screenshot/example of what your Slack users might see in response to typing /dir account
to look for someone in the accounting department:
backend basics:
- you configure a slack
command to POST to URI/slack
with appropriate payloadtoken=TOKEN
- the best match & phone number is returned to the user
- if the expected Slack "challenge" token (get this from your
command setup) is not sent along with the request, the request is dropped - requires a separate Slack OAuth2 bearer token (get a quickie from https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens) to establish backend connection into your Slack to retrieve user data & POST response to request into Slack
- both tokens are configured as environment variables in the app.yaml
written specifically to run in Google App Engine. should be plug-n-play for you.
- deploy to App Engine using
goapp deploy
once you've setup goapp - setup your
command in Slack - profit
- this is written specifically for Google App Engine, hence no main() and github.com/rickt/slack-appengine requirement
- change values as appropriate in the environment variable section in your app.yaml
- none of your Slack user, group or indeed any kind of Slack data is ever stored in Google App Engine!
- all data is queried from Slack and passed back to the requestor in real time via https
- Overview:
$ curl https://yourappengineurl.appspot.com/slack -XPUT --data "token=REDACTED&text=john"`
- Example run:
$ curl https://yourappengineurl.appspot.com/slack -XPUT --data "token=REDACTED&text=tait"
{"channel":"","username":"","text":"rick tait: :phone: (213) NNN-NNNN :email: \u003cmailto:rickt@redacted.com|rickt@redacted.com\u003e :slack: \u003c@REDACTED|rickt\u003e\n","response_type":"","icon_emoji":"","u
- Slack intercepts the user request, lets use an example of a Slack user entering
/dir foo
- Slack then makes a call to our directory bot (assuming the /slash command is setup correctly), effectively doing the equivalent of:
$ curl https://yourappengineurl.appspot.com/slack -XPUT --data "token=REDACTED&text=foo"
the directory bot checks to see if the token sent along with the request is valid, and assuming it is, the bot then:
- calls a few Slack APIs searching for the user's searchstring foo
- receives JSON data from Slack in response to those API calls
- assuming a positive search match, massages the data a bit so it looks pretty
- packs it up all and sends a JSON message back to Slack, which is displayed to the OG requesting user
an unauthenticated request to the directory bot (one without a valid key) will receive a response back as below
{ "channel": "", "username": "", "text": "unauthenticated request, tsk tsk!", "response_type": "", "icon_emoji": "", "unfurl_links": false, "link_names": 1, "attachments": null }
- a properly authenticated request (to use the above "foo" example) will receive a response like below
{ "channel": "", "username": "", "text": "*Users matching \"foo\":*\nFoo McFooerson: :dir_phone: (213) 555-1212 :dir_email: \u003cmailto:foo@bar.com|foo@bar.com.com\u003e :slack: \u003c@U111111|foo\u003e\n", "response_type": "", "icon_emoji": "", "unfurl_links": false, "link_names": 1, "attachments": null }