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what aircraft is overhead?

live demo:

what is it

a self-contained python app that reports if any aircraft are overhead of a given location / set of coordinates.

uses the free ADS-B API.

  • static assets (frontend HTML/JS, a PNG and an .ico) are in the static and templates folders
  • (old) scripts to build/push/deploy to GCP Cloud Run are in scripts
  • i deploy automatically on commits to GCP Cloud Run using a workflow but you can put it wherever.

how it works

  1. use as a webpage
  • / home page or base URL renders the web page HTML/JS from the templates folder
  • asks user to allow giving their location to the webpage
  • shows the user if any aircraft are overhead
  1. use as an API
  • /nearest_plane URL takes parameters and returns JSON or text as you prefer

API endpoints

  • render web page

    • GET /
    • description:
      • renders the home page of the app
  • health check

    • GET /health
    • description:
      • returns health status of the API
    • parameters:
      • none
    • response:
         "status": "healthy"
  • nearest plane

    • GET /nearest_plane
    • description:
      • returns the nearest aircraft to the given coordinates within a specified distance
      • parameters:
           | Name   | Type   | Default | Description                           |
           | lat    | float  | None    | Latitude of the location (required).  |
           | lon    | float  | None    | Longitude of the location (required). |
           | dist   | float  | 5.0     | Search radius in kilometers.          |
           | format | string | json    | Response format (json or text).       |
      • responses:
        • text:
          ABC123 is a Boeing 737-800 operated by Airline Inc. at bearing 270º (west), 3.2 kilometers away at 35000ft, speed 500 knots, ground track 270º, receding at 120 knots.
        • JSON:
            "flight": "ABC123",
            "desc": "Boeing 737-800",
            "alt_baro": "35000",
            "alt_geom": 35000,
            "gs": 500,
            "track": 270,
            "year": 2023,
            "ownop": "Airline Inc.",
            "distance_km": 3.2,
            "bearing": 270,
            "relative_speed_knots": 120,
            "message": "ABC123 is a Boeing 737-800 operated by Airline Inc. at bearing 270º (west), 3.2 kilometers away at 35000ft, speed 500 knots, ground track 270º, receding at 120 knots."
        • error example:
             "detail": "Error fetching data from ads-b API: Timeout occurred."


  • the github workflow has separate deploy logic for commits to dev or main


inspiration for this came from John Wiseman's, which i loved! i wanted to know how it works and ended up writing my own version.


what aircraft is overhead?






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