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Distinguished Format String

This idea has been deprecated in favour of this idea.

This is a very rough outline of the inkling of an idea. Do not implement this yet.

The overall goals:

  • Human-Readable Format Strings
  • Machine-Verifyable Parameters matching against a Format String
  • (Possibly) allow automatic contract calls be generated from a formatted call


eth_signFormattedString(address, [ formatString, ... ], paramTypes, paramValues)

  • A UI should display the human-readable string as well as the address (reverse ENS lookup should be performed)
  • If multiple formatStrings are provided, the best matching string SHOULD be choosen, taking into account locale and other relevant metadata. If a coder is not locale-aware, it should choose the first string.
  • Once user-confirmed, the hash should be computed and signed and the signature returned

eth_sendFormattedTransaction(address, [ formatString, ... ], signature, paramTypes, paramValues)

  • A UI should display the human-readable string as well as the address (reverse ENS lookup should be performed)
  • If multiple formatStrings are provided, the best matching string SHOULD be choosen, taking into account locale and other relevant metadata. If a coder is not locale-aware, it should choose the first string.
  • The signature must match [ bytes32, ...paramTypes ]
  • Once user-confirmed, the hash should be computed and sent as a transaction
  • @TODO: this is still being mulled over


  • target: Address (20 bytes)
  • format: Array of Format Strings
  • types: Array of type strings
  • values: Array of values

Distinguished Pack Encoding Algorithm

  • All fixed length types are tightly packed i.e. a uint48 is packed into 6 bytes, Big Endian
  • All dynamic types are prefixed with their length as a uint256 (@TODO: Maybe uint48?) and then tightly packed i.e. The string "foo" is (32 + 3 bytes) long

Note: Cannot use standard ABIv2, as it contains internal pointers, so the bytes created can be implementation dependent

Distingushed Hashing Bytes

This is used to derive the bytes necessary for hashing.

function id(text) { return keccak256(toUtf8Bytes(text)); }

FormatId = keccak256( keccak256( concat(sorted( => id(string)))) ), id( types.join(",") ) )

Preamble = keccak256( targetAddress, FormatId )

HashBytes = DistinguishPackEncoding([ bytes32, ...types ], [ Preamble, ...values])

Note: The Format can be computed at Solidity compile-time for most cases, including where the address may change. The Preamble can be computed at deployment-time for cases where even the target does not change.


Metadata is provided as key-value pairs, using the \m{key=value} format specifier within a string. The output string MUST NOT contain the metadata.

Metadata may be critical or non-critical. A critical key MUST begin with a capital letter after any leading underscore (_) and any coder which encounters a critical key it does not understand MUST fail. Non-critical keys which a coder does not understand may be silently ignored, or presented to the user another way.

Metadata may also be private or public. A private key MUST begin with an underscore (_) and is meant for application specific formatting. Public keys are maintained as a well-known set in this document or future expansions.

Within a given format string, the same metadata key may not be used more than once.

Metadata Keys

locale - the locale this format string represents; this may impact how numbers or dates are formatted in the format string or the choice of quote characters. A locale-aware coder SHOULD attempt to choose the most appropriate format string for the user's current locale. See ISO XXXX. (non-critical) Version - the version of the distinguished format string to use (critical)

String Encoding

All charcters in a Distinguished Format String MUST belong to the printable ASCII set (i.e. XXX).

To represent Unicode characters within a string, only the \u{XXX} format specifier may be used, and the value within the braces must be itself distinguished (i.e. no uneeded leading zeros, which implies no overlong encoded code points).

@TODO: Possible disallow certain codeunits? Use IDNA?

Substitution Sepcifiers

A Substitution Format Specifier is of the form ${ expression, expression, ... }, where expression is a series of functions and literals.

Escape Sequences

The $$ escape sequence can be used to insert a $ in the final string.

Within strings inside a Substitution Format Specifier, a \" can be used to insert a " in the string.

@TODO: Should \u{xxx} be disallowed for printable ASCII?


eth_signFormatString( DAI_ADDRESS, [ "\m{locale=en}Hello! I allow sending $$${ formatUnits(atIndex(1), 18) (in DAI) to a t I n d e x ( 2 ) . " , " \m l o c a l e = f r A l l o ! A { atIndex(2) }, je permitte $$${ formatUnits(atIndex(1), 18) (en DAI)" ], [ "uint", "address" ], [ "0x1b9de674df070000", "0x1234" ] )

To English Users: (to DAI contract) "Hello! I allow sending $1.99 (in DAI) to 0x1234."

To French Users: (to DAI contract) "Bonjour! A 0x1234, je permitte $1,99 (en DAI)."

eth_signFormatString( WISP_ADDRESS, [ "Please co-sign a call to ${ sighash("transfer(address to, uint256 amount)") } to ${ atIndex(2) } with ${ atIndex(3) } WETH." ], [ , "address", "uint256" ], [ , 0x1234, 1 ] )


  • Must validate all inputs match their types
  • Not all parameters specified need to be shown in the format string, which allows ancillary parameters (like a nonce) to be included or additional verification
  • A UI should use their own (either client-specific or allow user-defined) token curation to provide a human readable name name for a given address, for example "WETH contract".
  • It is assumed the contract develpoers can lie; the goal is to ensure that a correctly functioning contract by honest developers is safe to use
  • The values passed in may come from untrustworthy sources, which is why it is important to protect against homoglyph and confusing similar input as best as possible

Random Thoughts

Why not use the hash of a string instead of length prefixed tightly packed

This allows either the string or the hash (using various patterns) to be the value passed in. If the hash was used, then the string could not be used as a parameter directly.

Either can be achieved using the following patterns:

// If text is required in the signature
format: "Label=${ equals(atIndex(2), keccak256(atIndex(1))), atIndex(1) }, ok?"
types: string, skip:bytes32
values: text, keccak256(text)
   performOperation(bytes32 hash, string label) {
       require(hash == keccak256(packed(address(this), formatId, uint256(label.length), label)));

// If the text is not important, just verifying it is
format: "Label=${ equals(atIndex(1), id(atIndex(2))), atIndex(2) }, ok?"
types: bytes32, skip:string
values: keccak256(text), text
   performOperation(bytes32 hash, bytes32 labelHash) {
       require(hash == keccak256(packed(address(this), formatId, labelHash)));


Deprecated. This idea has been obsoleted in favour of described data (see link).






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