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Getting started with AutoAcme

Michal Altair Valášek edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 22 revisions

Features and Principles

Deployment Duide

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Install URL Rewrite module for IIS
    2. Install Application Request Routing module for IIS
    3. Install Centralized SSL Certificate support to IIS
  2. Configuration
    1. Configure web site for handling of ACME challenges
    2. Configure rewriting rule for handling of ACME challenges
    3. Configure Centralized certificate store
    4. Configure AutoACME using the autoacme initcfg command
  3. HTTPS setup
    1. Request and receive certificate from Let's Encrypt
    2. Configure IIS to use the certificate
  4. Maintenance
    1. Renewing certificates nearing expiration
    2. Removing stale certificates and keys
    3. Synchronization with IIS
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