Chandrasekaran Anirudh Bhardwaj (cb3441)
Ridhi Mahajan (rm3601)
Sheetal Reddy (kr2793)
In this project we perform an in-depth analysis of different algorithms for movie recomendation.
The report is in Final.ipynb
Code is structured as follows
├── utils
| ├── data_loader.py # Load data & Sampling functions
│ └── yapf_format.py # pep8 code standard
├── model
| ├── baseline_model.py # Bias based model
| ├── als_model.py # Alternating Least Squares based Matrix Factorization
| ├── lightfm_model.py # LightFm
│ └── nearest_neighbor_model.py # Nearest Neighbors model with Z-score scaling of users
├── data # Data files
├── cache # Data cache used to avoid re-reading the data each time model changes are made
├── Final.ipynb # Report Markdown
└── README.md