This is the codebase to showcase deployment of a Django app to heroku
Create a .env file by copying the .env.sample provided and run:
docker compose build && docker compose up
to start the container. As an alternative, run:
docker compose -f up --build
to build and run the container using the dev yaml file. Make sure to externalize the db instance to be used. It can be in another container.
Run descriptive tests in the container using:
docker exec -it -w /app <container_name> pytest -rP -vv
Access the docs on:
Create a virtual environment using:
mkvirtualenv <env_name>
Ensure you have installed virtualenv
on your system and install dev dependencies using
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Run migrations using:
python makemigrations
python migrate
Run the server using:
python runserver
Ideally, migration files should not be committed to repo so that individual dev can decide to play around with the database schema and run migrations as they wish locally.
But because we are currently deploying to heroku dynos which result to files between deployment not being persisted, we are putting migrations here.
- Run makemigrations & migrate locally using:
python makemigrations
python migrate
Commit your code
Push it to Heroku master and run:
heroku run python migrate