Tool to compare follower lists to see who followed/unfollowed you. This tool uses the Unfollower tool made by @CommanderRoot to analyze a streamer's follower list, and check for changes.
I have been getrting a lot of unwanted follow bots on my stream, at time of writing about 15% of followers are said followbots. I wanted a way to track these seeing how many would follow, and if/when they would unfollow. I am aware that honest followers/unfollowers are also tracker, but it is up to the user to do with this data whatever they please.
HTML, CSS and Javascript. Didn't need more.
Most main code and logic was written by Riekelt
The integrated twitch fetcher uses the same logic as @CommanderRoot's follower-list fetcher. The html template was "Editorial" found on I am using this under the CCA 3.0 license