from services that aggregate links (reddit, hackernews, digg, etc..) based on some basic heuristics. You can think of it as a "readability" clone, only instead of extracting one big block of text, it extracts many small links with their metadata.
See below for install notes, or read on for details.
Aggregability does not have a ruleset-per-website architecture, it's just a small set of heuristics.
This means that it tries to extract an Aggregability::Item
for each
element in the aggregator (variously called "story", "post", "item",
"link" etc). Where possible, it attempts to extract different metadata:
- url
- title
- scores ([1])
- comments count
- TBD: comments url, description, domain, submitter (nickname/url), timestamp
[1]: multiple values: reddit for example has three values in code, of which the middle one is the real one, digg has one digg count plus shares on facebook and twitter, hubski has no scores at all)
gem install aggregability
should be enough to install. As of now, this library has only been tested with ruby 1.9.2 and ruby 1.9.3.
Aggregability depends on some xml parser that allows xpath queries, and has been built using Nokogiri (though it should probably work with other libraries) but while in theory Nokogiri works with jruby, in practice I have some test failures with nokogiri-java (may very well be my fault). It works in most cases but not always.
Rather simple:
require 'aggregability'
require 'open-uri'
url = ''
ae = url
open url do |fd|
items = ae.parse_io(fd)
items.each do |i|
puts i.title, i.url, i.score
puts "-"*30
You must be aware of what Item#score
means though: since many sites
provide different "score" values this utility method returns the first.
You should check what the meaning of a "score" is on each website, for
- reddit has 3 different scores in the html: real value, value + 1, value - 1
- digg has 3 scores, digg score, facebook shares, tweets
- hackernews has one score, but sometimes none
- lamernews, techupdates and echojs have upvotes and downvotes scores
- hubski has no score
I originally just wanted to scrape some aggregators. I have done website scraping in the past, and a couple xpath/css rules per site give you a great result quickly.
On the other hand, they are not fun.
I mean, all these sites kind of look all alike don't they? Surely I can just write some generic code that will work for more than I have ever seen, and not worry about changes in page structure over time..
It turns out, this is harder than it seems, because..
- some sites don't have a score
- some sites have multiple scores
- some sites don't have a single element containing all the
metadata, but spread it across different sibling nodes - but then again, some of these metadata may not be there, so you can't just pair them up
- not all URLs in
s point to external services - .. sometimes they never do
- you may have comments
- .. and you may not
- .. even In the same site
- .. and sometimes multiple times
- and then sometimes you have submitter
- .. or multiple ones
- .. or none
- some sites use pretty CSS classes and ids ("story", "votes", "comments", "content")
- .. or none at all
- .. or they use classes as ids ("thing1234", "vote-567")
- .. or obscure names ("combub", "johnmalkovich", "tartalom")
So, basically there is nothing you can assume
No way! Clearly all these pages have a defined structure: there is some kind of body, which contains this things, and there are the things. So we can do this:
- find the body
- for each child element, try to extract metadata
i initially meant to use an approach based on heuristics such as element name, classes, ids, content. Except, the first three are pointless, the fourth one boils down to having already identified the items :)
So I just look for the stuff that could be inside an Item
: title tag,
comments, votes, submitter, external links.
to the blog in the footer, or title in the header?
Yep, so the next step is: given a random set of elements, how do you find the right one?
The solution is the same your brain uses: you look for a pattern. If many links are at the same page level (aka: same ancestor) then they form a group. If this group is large enough, then the group is the one we are looking for.
from them!
Almost: remember we only got pseudo random stuff from the first pass, so we backtrack and search more accurately among the children of the content node. And then, we are done.
Hell yeah, it takes between 40ms and 200ms to parse a page (including
actual xml parsing) I did a couple trivial things for speed, but the
improvements should be algorithmic (such as: not making a thousand
Open a ticket at if you find some unsupported website you think should be supported. Notice that sites like metafilter, where you have a paragraph of text with embedded links are not supported (yet)
Or you can write me an email at if you want.
Patches or pull requests are welcome, as long as all tests still pass.
ruby -Ilib tc_all.rb
(or rake test
) are your friends.
I like my code without warnings, so check that by using --verbose
You will get some complaints from psych/syck, but aggregability should
not complain