Find SSH-able devices on your network and (optionally) add them to you ssh config in a cleanish way. Tested locally with MacOS and runs with Actions on Ubuntu.
Works by stringing together a couple nmap
commands and updating the ssh config file.
# find open port 22
nmap -sT -p 22 -T5 <network>
# check ssh auth methods
nmap -p 22 --script ssh-auth-methods <target>
Install nmap
# MacOS brew install nmap # Debian sudo apt-get install nmap
Install the script (defaults to
but can be overridden with first arg)./ $HOME/bin # or net install style (installed in $HOME/bin) curl -o - | bash
Run the program
find-sshable --help
pip install find-sshable
# pip install pytest
PYTHONPATH=. pytest -vs .
The idea is to stand up a headless raspberry pi that you can ssh into and do things on.
If you will run this on Wifi (not ethernet), start from here to configure the WiFi on your raspberry pi. However, if you can connect to ethernet, I would recommend doing so, and you can skip this step.
As per here add an empty ssh
file to the root
partition when you frist boot up.
Locally run the following. This will find and add your Pi to the local ssh config.
find-sshable --host-pattern "raspberrypi" --update-ssh-config --ssh-user "pi"
scanning for devices... 00:07
Found 1 devices...
Host(name='raspberrypi.lan', ip=IPv4Address(''))
Devices will be added to your ssh config as follows
ssh into it,
ssh find-sshable.raspberrypi.lan
On there, you should change your password, update locale, etc
sudo raspi-config
Also ensure that ssh runs on start up
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh