This repo contains
which installs software under different Linux distributions. It also contians a separate
wihch creates symbolic links in your $HOME
directory which point to the configuration files in the repository. This way you can track changes to your configurations and also publish useful information for others to find. Additionally, you don't have to worry as much when moving to a new machine because you can just reclone and rerun the set up scripts.
git clone
# this installs software
# this creates links from the cloned git reposity to $HOME
Running these setup scripts multiple times should not change the final state of the machine. However, if configurations were removed or renamed, it will leave some orphaned links. Those can be removed with the following command:
find -L ~/ -type l -delete
Generally speaking we will install the following.
- i3 window manager
- dunst
- urxvt terminal emulator
- sublime-text text editor
- Google Chrome web browser
- Dropbox
- geary email client
- taskwarrior todo list
- Python, Pip, numpy, reqs for tensorflow
- Java 8
Configurations are separated into default and host-specific configuration files. The default configurations are installed for all hosts then overwritten by the host-specifc configuration files.