An Android Log collecting tool for PC, which monitors logcat for crashes/anr and reboots and capture logcat, bugreport once observed.
Replace the given android serial_id in "dev_id.txt" to serial id of device under test.
Default crash keywords are "uncaught exception, FATAL EXCEPTION, : ANR in, Fatal signal, Force finishing activity", if want to add or remove keywords, edit "config.txt" file.
Double click on "CrashRecorder_Ver4.1.exe" and the script will start monitoring live logcat logs from DUT and capture logcat & Bugreport in case of any crash.
To STOP the script press Ctrl+C, a HTML file "CrashRecords.html" will be generated showing all the caught and respective log location.
If the utility needs to be run on all the connected Android devices , double click on "runAllCrashRecorder.bat" **
**Note- Make sure to take backup of all the previous logs before starting the batch, as it will delete the old logs
Version 3.2 Release notes:
- Fixed issue inhibiting the capturing of bugreport logs
- Handled adb diconnection
- Added module to generate HTML report showing exception and corresponding logs on keyboard interrupt
- Added delays between each log capturing commands to ensure proper capture logs
- Added logic to avaoid capturing of same issues multiple times
Version 4.0 Release notes:
- Added support for multiple devices
- Enhanced HTML reporting module to generate device wise reports for multiple devices
Version 4.1 Release notes:
- Added functionality to detect Shutdown\Reboot and collect logcat till device shutdowns.
- Enhanced HTML reporting module to show reboot counts.
- Added commands in batch file to delete old logs
Version 4.2 Release notes:
- Fixed bug preventing capturing of redundant shutdown/ reboot logs.
- Added logic to accomodate logcat line containing the process in which Fatal Exception occured.
- Enhanced HTML reporting to give the start time of the tool [gives both PC time and DUT time as many times the PC & DUT are not in sync]
Version 5.0 Release notes:
- Added logic to detect and report abrupt rest and collect logs once device is online [ abrupt reset here means reboot without notifying the logcat it is shutting down for e.g "adb reboot" where device doesn't gracefully shutdown all the OS services before shutting down ]
Version 5.1 Release notes:
- Added functionality to take screenshot on occurence of crash in addition to capturing logcat and bugreport
Version 5.2 Release notes:
- Fixed the addition of additional line while capturing bugreport
Version 5.3 Release notes:
- Added logic to monitor "F" level logs in addition to "E" and "D" level logs.