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chore: update update/bump-version.ps1 [skip ci]
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fxliang committed Feb 22, 2025
1 parent 8d12caf commit d13fd12
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 46 deletions.
102 changes: 56 additions & 46 deletions update/bump-version.ps1
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
param( [string]$tag, [string]$basetag, [switch]$updatelog, [switch]$h)
# -tag [new_tag], new tag shall be in format of ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$ and greater than
# the current one or $basetag
# -basetag [basetag name], specify the base tag(which shall be in format of ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$),
# default to be the latest number format tag name
# -updatelog, update if this switch used
# -h, show help info

function faild_exit {
Write-Host "Orz :( bump version failed!"
Write-Host "we will revert the modification by command git checkout . "
& git checkout .
exit 1
# get old version info from file, esp from build.bat
function get_old_version{
param ([string]$filePath)
Expand All @@ -28,7 +36,6 @@ function get_old_version{
$version['str'] = $version["major"] + "." + $version["minor"] + "." + $version["patch"];
return $version;

# parse new version info
function parse_new_version {
Expand All @@ -40,19 +47,6 @@ function parse_new_version {
return $version;

# update bat file with param filePath, and tags
function update_bat_file{
param( [string]$filePath, $old_version, $new_version)
$old_major, $old_minor, $old_patch = $old_version['major'], $old_version["minor"], $old_version["patch"];
$new_major, $new_minor, $new_patch = $new_version['major'], $new_version["minor"], $new_version["patch"];
$fileContent = Get-Content -Path $filePath -Raw;
$fileContent = $fileContent -replace "VERSION_MAJOR=$old_major", "VERSION_MAJOR=$new_major";
$fileContent = $fileContent -replace "VERSION_MINOR=$old_minor", "VERSION_MINOR=$new_minor";
$fileContent = $fileContent -replace "VERSION_PATCH=$old_patch", "VERSION_PATCH=$new_patch";
$fileContent | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -NoNewline -Encoding UTF8;

# update change log, work like clog-cli
function update_changelog {
param( [string]$new_tag, [string]$old_tag)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,84 +95,100 @@ function update_changelog {
$fileContent = $contentAdd + "`n" + $fileContent;
$fileContent | Out-File -FilePath "" -NoNewline -Encoding UTF8;

# update appcast file, with regex patterns
function update_appcast_file {
# replace string with regex pat
function replace_str {
param( [string]$filePath, [string]$pat_orig, [string]$pat_replace)
$fileContent = Get-Content -Path $filePath -Raw;
$fileContent = $fileContent -replace $pat_orig, $pat_replace;
$fileContent = [regex]::Replace($fileContent, $pat_orig, $pat_replace)
$fileContent | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -NoNewline;
# update xml file
function update_xml {
param([string]$filePath, [string]$tag)
$CurrentCulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
$localTime = Get-Date
$currentDateTime = $localTime.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zz00")
replace_str -filePath "$filePath" -pat_orig "\d+\.\d+\.\d+" -pat_replace $tag
replace_str -filePath "$filePath" `
-pat_orig "(?<=<sparkle:releaseNotesLink>)[^>]*(?=</sparkle:releaseNotesLink>)" `
-pat_replace ""
replace_str -filePath "$filePath" `
-pat_orig "(?<=<pubDate>).*?(?=</pubDate>)" -pat_replace "$currentDateTime"
Write-Host "$filePath updated"
# update bat file
function update_bat {
param([string]$filePath, [string]$tag)
$new_version = parse_new_version -new_version $tag
replace_str -filePath $filePath -pat_orig "(?<=VERSION_MAJOR=)\d+" $new_version['major']
replace_str -filePath $filePath -pat_orig "(?<=VERSION_MINOR=)\d+" $new_version['minor']
replace_str -filePath $filePath -pat_orig "(?<=VERSION_PATCH=)\d+" $new_version['patch']
Write-Host "$filePath updated"
# test if cwd is weasel root
function is_weasel_root() {
return (Test-Path -Path "weasel.sln") -and (Test-Path -Path ".git")
# program now started
if ($h) {
if ($h -or (-not $tag)) {
$info = @(
"-tag [new_tag]`n`tnew tag shall be in format of ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$ and greater than the current one or `$basetag",
"-basetag [basetag name]`n`tspecify the base tag(which shall be in format of ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$), default to be the latest number format tag name",
"-updatelog`n`tupdate if this switch used",
"-h`n`tshow help info"
Write-Host ($info -join "`n");
exit 0;
if (-not (is_weasel_root)) {
Write-Host "Current directory is: $(Get-Location), it's not the weasel root directory"
Write-Host "please run ``update/bump_version.ps1`` with parameters under the weasel root in Powershell";
Write-Host "or run ``pwsh update/bump_version.ps1`` with parameters under weasel root in shell if yor're running Mac OS or Linux"
exit 1;
# tag name not match rule, exit
if (-not ($tag -match '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$')) {
Write-Host "tag name not match rule '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$'";
Write-Host "please recheck it";
exit 1;
# get old version
$old_version = get_old_version -filePath "build.bat";
$old_major, $old_minor, $old_patch = $old_version['major'], $old_version["minor"], $old_version["patch"];
# get new version
$new_version = parse_new_version -new_version $tag
if ($basetag -eq "") {
$basetag = "$old_major.$old_minor.$old_patch"
$basetag = $old_version["str"]
if ($basetag -notmatch "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$") {
Write-Host "basetag format is not correct, it shall be in format of '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$'"
Write-Host "please recheck it";
exit 1;

# check new version is greater than the current one
if ($tag -eq $old_version["str"]) {
Write-Host "the new tag: $tag is the same with the old one:" $old_version["str"];
exit 1;
} elseif ($tag -lt $old_version["str"]) {
Write-Host "$tag is older version than " $old_version['str']", please recheck your target version.";
exit 1;
Write-Host "bump version to $tag ... "
#get date-time string in english date-time format
$CurrentCulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
$currentDateTime = (Get-Date).ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss K", $CurrentCulture)

#update appcast files
update_appcast_file -filePath "update/appcast.xml" -pat_orig "$old_major\.$old_minor\.$old_patch" -pat_replace $tag
update_appcast_file -filePath "update/appcast.xml" -pat_orig "<pubDate>.*?</pubDate>" -pat_replace "<pubDate>$currentDateTime</pubDate>"
Write-Host "update/appcast.xml updated"
update_appcast_file -filePath "update/testing-appcast.xml" -pat_orig "$old_major\.$old_minor\.$old_patch" -pat_replace $tag
update_appcast_file -filePath "update/testing-appcast.xml" -pat_orig "<pubDate>.*?</pubDate>" -pat_replace "<pubDate>$currentDateTime</pubDate>"
Write-Host "update/testing-appcast.xml updated"
#update bat files
update_bat_file -filePath "build.bat" -old_version $old_version -new_version $new_version
Write-Host "build.bat updated"
update_bat_file -filePath "xbuild.bat" -old_version $old_version -new_version $new_version
Write-Host "xbuild.bat updated"
Write-Host "Bumping version from $($old_version['str']) to $tag ..."
# update xml files
update_xml -filePath "update/appcast.xml" -tag "$tag";
if ($?) { } else { faild_exit }
update_xml -filePath "update/testing-appcast.xml" -tag "$tag";
if ($?) { } else { faild_exit }
# update bat files
update_bat -filePath "build.bat" -tag "$tag";
if ($?) { } else { faild_exit }
update_bat -filePath "xbuild.bat" -tag "$tag";
if ($?) { } else { faild_exit }
if ($updatelog) {
update_changelog -new_tag $tag -old_tag $basetag
update_changelog -new_tag $tag -old_tag $basetag;
if ($?) { } else { faild_exit }
& git add
Write-Host " updated"
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