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RISC-V Server SoC Compliance Test Suite

  1. This suite is built for RISC-V Server SoC Test Specification, Version v0.51.
  2. This suite is built on ARM BSA ACS (Architecture Compliance Suite) framework, for more information about ARM BSA-ACS, please refer to

RISC-V Server SoC Spec

The RISC-V server SoC specification defines a standardized set of capabilities that portable system software such as operating systems and hypervisors, can rely on being present in a RISC-V server SoC. For the spec information, please refer to

RISC-V Server SoC Test Spec

Along with the Server SoC Spec, there is a test spec which defines a set of tests to verify if the requirements specified in RISC-V Server SoC specification are implemented. This test suite will be designed based on the test spec. For more information about the test spec, please also refer to

Other Repo dependence

Repos URL tag/commit patch
edk2 edk2-stable202405 Add RiscVOpensbiLib, ACPI table parsers and BaseRiscV64CpuExceptionHandlerLib bug fix
edk2-platforms ba73190ddccc0d0e8c9ff4d3cac1f10bde8b0f71 Add RiscVQemuServerPlatform
qemu acpi_rimt_poc_v1
opensbi a731c7e36988c3308e1978ecde491f2f6182d490

Compile Server SoC TestSuite

1. Build Env

Before you start the build, ensure that the following requirements are met.
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (Currently Tested)
  • Export your working folder as $WORKSPACE:
    export WORKSPACE=`pwd`
  • git clone the EDK2 tree to $WORKSPACE\edk2. Recommended edk2 tag is edk2-stable202405
  • git clone the EDK2-Platforms tree to $WORKSPACE\edk2-platforms. Recommended edk2-platforms commit is ba73190ddccc0d0e8c9ff4d3cac1f10bde8b0f71
  • git clone the EDK2 port of libc $WORKSPACE\edk2-libc
  • Install the build prerequisite packages to build EDK2.
    apt install gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu acpica-tools \
      git curl mtools gdisk gcc openssl automake autotools-dev libtool \
      bison flex bc uuid-dev python3 \
      libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev autopoint libslirp-dev \
      make g++ gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf gettext \

2. Clone server-soc-ts repo and Patch the EDK2

  1. cd $WORKSPACE\edk2
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. git clone ShellPkg/Application/server-soc-ts
  4. git apply ShellPkg/Application/server-soc-ts/patches/0001-Apply-patch-ShellPkg-Application-server-soc-ts-patch.patch

3. Patch the EDK2-Platforms

  1. cd $WORKSPACE\edk2-platforms
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Checkout opensbi commmit a731c7e36988c3308e1978ecde491f2f6182d490
    cd Silicon/RISC-V/ProcessorPkg/Library/RiscVOpensbiLib/opensbi
    git checkout a731c7e36988c3308e1978ecde491f2f6182d490 -b rv-ts
  4. git apply ../edk2/ShellPkg/Application/server-soc-ts/patches/0001-RiscVQemuServerPlatform-Initial-commit-for-RISC-V-Qe.patch

4. Build the TestSuite under UEFI

  1. Use below script to build the TestSuite.
    export GCC5_RISCV64_PREFIX=riscv64-linux-gnu-
    export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu-
    export GCC49_AARCH64_PREFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu-
    export PACKAGES_PATH=$WORKSPACE/edk2:$WORKSPACE/edk2-platforms:$WORKSPACE/edk2-libc
    source edk2/
    #Build basetool
    make -C BaseTools/Source/C
    #Build the TestSuite application
    source edk2/ShellPkg/Application/server-soc-ts/tools/scripts/
    The EFI executable file is generated at <edk2_path>/Build/Shell/DEBUG_GCC5/RISCV64/Bsa.efi
  2. Package Bsa.efi into a disk image.
    dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1M count=128
    # Update your mtoolsrc to map the disk.img to drive z before using below mformat and mcopy command
    mformat -i disk.img -t 4096 -h 64 -s 32 -F Z:
    mcopy -i disk.img -s ./Build/Shell/DEBUG_GCC5/RISCV64/Bsa.efi  ::/

5. Build RiscVQemuServerPlatform BIOS

  1. Use below script to build the test BIOS
     export GCC5_RISCV64_PREFIX=riscv64-linux-gnu-
     export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu-
     export GCC49_AARCH64_PREFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu-
     export PACKAGES_PATH=$WORKSPACE/edk2:$WORKSPACE/edk2-platforms:$WORKSPACE/edk2-libc
     source edk2/
     build -a RISCV64 -t GCC5 -p Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.dsc
     # truncate RV flash files
     truncate -s 32M Build/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/RISCV_SP_CODE.fd
     truncate -s 32M Build/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/RISCV_SP_VARS.fd

6. Build RISC-V QEMU

  1. git clone the to $QEMU_WORKSPACE/qemu, tag is acpi_rimt_poc_v1
  2. Use below script to build the test QEMU
    export QEMU_INSTALL=$QEMU_WORKSPACE/qemu-install
    mkdir $QEMU_CODE/build
    cd $QEMU_CODE/build
    ../configure --enable-slirp --prefix=$QEMU_INSTALL
    make install

7. Build OpenSBI binary

  1. Build OpenSBI binary as below.
git clone opensbi
make -C opensbi \
     -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) \
     CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- \

8. Run the TestSuite under UEFI

  1. Mount disk.img as a drive in RISC-V QEMU virt platform and start the QEMU
    $QEMU_INSTALL/bin/qemu-system-riscv64 \
            -machine virt,aia=aplic-imsic,pflash0=pflash0,pflash1=pflash1 \
            -blockdev node-name=pflash0,driver=file,read-only=on,filename=$EDK2_WORKSPACE/Build/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/RISCV_SP_CODE.fd \
            -blockdev node-name=pflash1,driver=file,filename=$EDK2_WORKSPACE/Build/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/RISCV_SP_VARS.fd \
            -bios opensbi/build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_dynamic.bin \
            -drive file=$EDK2_WORKSPACE/disk.img,format=raw,if=virtio \
    	    -serial stdio
  2. Boot to UEFI Shell and run Bsa.efi to start the test suite.
    Bsa.efi -v 1

Current Test Result

Refer test_result/ for EDK2 RISC-V QEMU virt platform test result.

Status Count Note
Complete 13 Test case development has been completed.
TBI 36 To be implemented,means a test is feasible in UEFI ACPI PAL but not implemented.
NA 20 Not applicable,means no test is needed
Blocked 46 Test (or test result confirm) is blocked due to QEMU/FW/OS issue or missing features.
Pending 3 Need further investigation

Next Steps

Qemu Model of the Server SoC Reference Machine

Right now around 40% testcase failed or skipped due to the generic virtual platform virt lacks the required models in Server SoC, e.g., RCiEP devices. We need a more realistic server SoC reference machine in qemu. This would not only benefit the SoC testsuite, but also a good reference model for SoC and firmware development.

EDK II for the Server SoC Reference Machine

The RiscVVirt is incomplete which leads to the failure of some cases. A more comprehensive UEFI package need for the testsuite, and also a good start point for EDK II product.

PCIe testcard for the Server SoC Reference Machine

PCIe is an important component in Server SoC and that's why there are multiple rules in Server SoC spec. However, PCIe subsystem in Qemu is very abstract and far from real SoC. To make Server SoC testsuite more comprehensive, we need a platform with more detailed Root Complex and End Point Device. There maybe two solutions:

  1. Integrated a more dedicated PCIe EP model in SystemC, which are more close to real hardware.
  2. Design an open source FPGA PCIe EP, which can generate various packets for the compliance test.


RISC-V Server SoC Testsuit is distributed under Apache v2.0 License.

Feedback, contributions, and support

  • For feedback, use the GitHub Issue Tracker that is associated with this repository.
  • Arm licensees may contact Arm directly through their partner managers.
  • Arm welcomes code contributions through GitHub pull requests. See the GitHub documentation on how to raise pull requests.

Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.