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This is a SpringBoot gradle RestApi project written in java 11 and contains the basic modules and services for small to medium production apis


This template is a foundation for a SpringBoot Rest api and will meet Platform 1 CtF criteria


Currently integrated

These are tools/features that are currently in use within the API.
It is not necessary to download/install anything for these features to operate.

  • Mysql 8 db
  • flyway db migration mgmt
  • ANTLR for supporting search in endpoints ex /api/users?search=id:1
  • a user slice with a controller, service, dao, and DTOs
  • Custom Exceptions and ExceptionHandling
  • junit5 tests for the slice
  • custom validation
  • swagger api via SpringFox
  • keycloak identity integration
  • secure configuration for web security
  • custom method security for securing endpoints
  • Gitlab4j
  • websockets

Setting Up IntelliJ

  • + , select Editor | Code Style | Java
  • Click the cog
  • Import MidasCodeStyle-IntelliJ.xml from localRun folder
  • select Editor | General | Auto-Import
  • Check Optimize imports on the fly

Running the API

  1. Have Docker installed
  2. Have minimum of Java 11 (Recommend SDKMan for Java Ver Manager)
  3. Navigate to the localRun folder
  4. Follow steps in .example_envrc
  5. Execute docker-compose up -d.
  6. Execute ./

Adding a GPG signing key to your GitLab account


  • This is required to commit code to PlatformOne


  1. Install GPG with Homebrew
  2. brew install gpg
  3. Create a GPG key
    1. Enter gpg --full-gen-key
    2. Select 1 for RSA and RSA for key type
    3. Enter byte size of 4096
    4. Accept default (press enter) of 0
    5. Verify you've made the correct selection and enter y
  4. Add a GPG key to your account
  5. Associate your GPG key with Git
  6. Install GpGSuite
  7. Accept all defaults.


  • Enter export GPG_TTY=$(tty) on your command line if your commit is failing and not prompting for the key

Downloading Database Backup From Staging


  • This is not required for running the API, just for getting a database copy
  • This requires admin privileges and to be a part of the MIDAS Staging Application Group for P1


  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in to MIDAS with Administrative Permissions
  3. Click on the Gavel Icon in the top right corner to navigate to the admin portal
  4. Click on the DATABASE BACKUP & RECOVERY tab
  5. To take backup perform one of the following steps:
  6. Enter a specific name of your choosing in the text field and click the back-up icon
  7. Accept the default naming convention and click the back-up icon
  8. Once you have taken the back-up, select the back-up from the DB Backups dropdown
  9. Click DOWNLOAD button

Importing Downloaded Database Backup into Adminer


  • You will have to complete [Running the API](#Running the API) prior to running this section


  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8181
  2. Log in to Adminer with,
UserName: localDBUser  
Database: midas_db
  1. If your database is currently populated, select all tables and click Drop
  2. If you get dropped in on the select database name, select midas_db from the dropdown on the left
  3. Click on the Import hyperlink in the left pane
  4. Click on the Choose Files button and a window will open
  5. Navigate to the back-up taken in the previous section and click Open
  6. Inside Adminer, click on the Execute button

Remove Source Control Tokens from Imported Backup


  • This should be completed after importing a MySQL back-up from staging or prod


  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8181
  2. Log in to Adminer with localDBUser
  3. Click on select that is to the left of source_control in the left column
  4. For each source control listed
  5. Click Edit
  6. Clear the text in the token field
  7. Click Save

Updating Manifest File Tags for Debugging


  • These procedures are only required in the event you are restoring to a different database version

Running sonarqube locally


  1. From the root of the project run, ./gradlew sonarqube
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:9002


  1. Navigate to the appropriate environment Kustomization file
  2. For Staging: Kustomization Staging Manifest File
  3. For Prod: Kustomization Prod Manifest File
  4. Copy the tag nested under images -> newTag for the API and save it for future step.
  5. Click the history button that is at the top right of the page.
  6. Select an older version of the file that has the same database version as your desired restore and copy the tag nested under images -> newTag.
  7. It should be different from the current tag.
  8. Return to the current file and edit it with the tag that was copied in the previous step.
  9. Navigate to the appropriate ARGO application (Staging or Prod) and click refresh.

Understanding Search with ANTLR


Using Antlr with Spring Data features allows us to send dynamic queries via rest request. This requires the use of some advanced features but is well worth the effort as it can speed response time and reduce total lines of code.

Core concepts

Another Tool for Language Recognition is a powerful tool for lexing and parsing. New languages can be created using ANTLR which is what we are going to use it for. We'll create a language that can be passed via http request and parsed into tokens that can be used to generate custom queries to the DB.

String url = "https://my/api/users?search=displayname:JDavis AND callsign:Smack"
// Spring resolver config will see ?search and see it as a param and pass the
// param value in this case displayname:JDavis, and the type User to the ANTLR query visitor
// (we'll get to the visitor later) which will turn the following tokens
"(input " +
    "(query " +
        "(query (criteria (key displayname) (op :) (value "JDavis")))" +
        " AND " +
        "(query (criteria (key callsign) (op :) (value Smack)))) <EOF>)";

// A series of operations turn this into a Specification that will be run like so
List<User> users = repository.findAll(specification)
// repo runs the following query
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE displayname="JDavis" AND callsign="Smack")

The big benefits are we can reduce the number of endpoints and custom queries needed to support a frontend or some other client. In addition to reducing endpoints, it also customizes the request to the exact data needed reducing the response size, which is helpful in slower networks especially when combined with pagination.

Limitations. While ANTLR with Spring Data does give some GraphQl like behavior it is limited to returning data of an entity type specific to the endpoint. Whereas in GraphQl one endpoint servers and filters all data.


A custom resolver in the form of an annotation needs registered with the Spring ResolverConfiguration. This is the mechanism that sees ?search=displayname:foo and passes the value display:name as a string to the query parser.

Spring will take care of this work for us, however it is helpful to understand as this what is lies under the hood of Spring Data Specifications.

ANTLR will build our Specifications which will be consumed by the JpaRepository interface when extended with JpaSpecificationExecutor. The executor will build the specification into a query when passed to methods such as repository.findall(specifications)

GitLab4J™ API (gitlab4j-api) provides a full featured and easy to consume Java library for working with GitLab repositories via the GitLab REST API. Additionally, full support for working with GitLab webhooks and system hooks is also provided.

Security Considerations

  • Midas is configured to use PlatformOne SSO, Keycloak, and JWT. P1 provides an Istio Envoy sidecar that provides AuthN and logging.
  • Other considerations. midas-api uses an AttributeEncryptor for storing and retrieving encrypted strings from the DB. Midas encrypts with NIST approved AES 256 GCM with random Initialization Vector.
    A key and a salt must be provided in the container environment. The key and salt provide a seed for the java key generator.

Gradle commands

  • ./gradlew checkstyleMain # Checkstyle analysis on src/main
    ./gradlew checkstyleTest # Checkstyle analysis on src/test
    ./gradlew jacocoTestReport # Generates a JACOCO test report
    ./gradlew lintGradle # Wraps checkstyle main and test to lint your code

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:

Additional Links

These additional references should also help you:

Code Coverage

To access the code coverage report go to:

build -> jacoco -> test -> html -> index.html


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