ImGur Album viewer opens imgur albums to view them "better".
imgur displays its albums like an image thread. sometimes i want to view it one image at a time, like a slideshow or a comic book, and sometimes jump around. that's what igaviewer does.
go to the imgur album page and copy the id of the imgur album
go to igaviewer's url ( with the album id appended to the end as a hash tag value, url fragment, whatever you want to call it.
If you have already navigated to the igaviewer page and have just typed in the hash tag value, you'll need to reload.
here's the example again (as seen in the screenshots):
left arrow, right arrow move to next and previous image
a open thumbnails panel
m toggle through image fit modes
i open source image in new tab (might have to allow the site at some point)
if you find any more keys that do something tell me, i might have forgotten
- click on the left and right side of the current image to navigate
- click on the album progress text to open the thumbnail pane
allows you to jump to any image in the album. since it was designed for mobile...there's no scrollbar. use your scrollwheel or up and down keys. the image fit mode can be changed here as well.