A CLI that adds and migrates database migrations for MS SQL and PostgreSQL.
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-db-migrate
dotnet db add-migration "AddContactsTable"
Added migration script ./20200520180400_AddContactsTable.sql
You would then add the SQL for the migration.
eg, for PostgreSQL.
CREATE TABLE contacts(
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
name TEXT,
email TEXT
Then you can execute the migration using the following command,
dotnet db migrate "Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=db-migrate;User Id=postgres;Password=password;" -p psql
Master ConnectionString => Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=db-migrate;Username=postgres;Password=********
Created database db-migrate
Beginning database upgrade
Checking whether journal table exists..
Journal table does not exist
Executing Database Server script '20200520180400_AddContactsTable.sql'
Checking whether journal table exists..
Creating the "schemaversions" table
The "schemaversions" table has been created
Upgrade successful
This is an open-source project. I request your participation through issues and pull requests!
dotnet-db-migrate is licensed under MIT. Refer to LICENSE for more information.