Releases: ritz078/embed-js
Releases · ritz078/embed-js
<a name"2.1.0">
2.1.0 (2015-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- autoplay: Enabled when opening via preview (f90416fb)
- babel: added cachedirectory option to babel-loader (5abdb64e)
- css:
- destroy: replace text with original text on destroy (fdfa2212)
- embed all: Changed selector from attribute name to class name (5d72dc8b)
- gist: Fixed inline embedding of github gist (b2d6a005)
- image: Fixed default return bug in image embed and remove dead code (75cff1ad)
- inject: removed rollup-plugin-inject from gruntfile.js (0c2d59c2)
- instances: Clash in options due to value change of options object (e4a3fc21)
- markdown:
- marked: url parsing conflict between marked and native url parsing (eb6997f2)
- package:
- preview: Replace image with background-image for preview thumbnail (01cc8f9e)
- smiley: Smiley at last was not rendered due to conflict with marked (e6072a08)
- travis:
- webpack-dev: Removed grunt serve that ran webpack dev server (36dbc9c1)
- custom template: added support for creating custom templates (8372621d)
- destroy: Added destroy method to the plugin (9f23b01b)
- gist:
- globalSettings: Added support to set global options and render by attribute name (2f87292a)
- inline: Twitter inline embedding support added (b3a9ec3e)
- inline code: Added inline code block embedding feature (dc57a7f1)
- inline embed:
- map:
- markdown: Markdown parsing support added using marked.js (74f7881d)
- rel: Added option to provide rel attribute in link and added fix for media query (0951dfb0, closes #47)
- rollup: replacing webpack with rollup in the build process (2e316ced)
- rollup.js: Integrated rollup.js in the build process (243f10dc)
- url: added support to the url module (12b944f8)